Chapter 6

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We finally made it to the first of Orochimaru's hideout, after a few days of traveling. I stared up at the giant gray building. How can such building be a hideout? It's huge and in the middle of a forest. How can anybody be not suspicious? I followed Sasuke into the dark entrance making sure sticking close to him.

"Sasuke, who is here that you want on the team?" This hideout was where many test subjects were held, not any different from others but the ones here were usually pretty weak and died almost immediately. "Someone with a unique and strong jutsu like you. You two haven't met, but don't worry I'm sure you and him will get along pretty well." I furrowed my eyebrows, looking at his back with confusion.

We walked down a couple flights of stairs into the basement. Sasuke opened the door to reveal a room with tanks that are meant to hold human test subjects. We walked down the aisle, passing empty tanks and other with floating figures. Poor things, to made into nothing more than a lab rat.

I followed the raven haired boy to a tank right in the middle of the room. My eyes widened a bit, I realized who it was that Sasuke wanted as part of his team. I had heard of him from the other prisoner talking. I had forgotten that he was being held here. We stopped in front of the biggest tank filled with nothing but water.

"So then it's true. You killed Orochimaru then." The tank of water talked, startling me. Sasuke walked closer to it.

"Yeah. Forget about that. I'm getting you out of there" Sasuke took out his sword and with a swift flick of his wrist, he cut up the glass tank. A few seconds later pieces of glass started to fall to the ground. The water that was inside the tank splashed onto the ground, falling into a large puddle. A figure appeared out of the water, slowly getting up. "I'm finally free", It said. "Thanks a lot, Sasuke". A boy with white hair came out of the puddle, taking human form.

I looked away when I saw that he was completely naked, he had nothing that kept him from being exposed. I could feel my cheeks heating up even though I was looking at some random tank as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. I didn't turn around even when Sasuke spoke, I only kept staring but listened to every word they said.

"Suigetsu. You're the first on the list. You are coming with me."

"First? Then that means you have others in mind". The one who I assumed was Suigetsu like Sasuke called talked.

"There are two others. Juugo from the northern hideout and Karin from the southern one".

"Are you sure you wanna do that? We don't get along very nicely. I mean I get why you chose me, it's a given but those two. I'm not too sure about them".

I agree with what that Suigetsu guy was saying. Karin and Juugo were a strange choice. I'm sure Sasuke has his reasons but they both have their own issues that makes me think they wouldn't be much help. I've met Karin once and she seemed nice enough but she wasn't exactly on Sasuke's side and the way she acts towards him is way too friendly for my taste. I've never met Juugo but I have heard stories of him. From what I know, he's crazy and completely unpredictable. Not to mention that it's really hard to control him when he's on one of his "rampages".

"Enough of your nonsense. Just put some clothes on. We're leaving." I moved to turn around when Sasuke said that making sure not to look at the still naked man in front of me. I heard him laugh, "Already barking orders at me like a big shot huh?" Then I heard drops of water hitting the ground and my body moved instantly.

I didn't think about what I was doing. I moved to where the two guys were, Suigetsu had a finger gun at the side of Sasuke's head, standing behind the raven haired boy. Sasuke had made no move, just stood there calm as ever. I moved behind him, activating my eyes and pointing two fingers at center of his neck, sending chakra to the tips. I kept my other on top of my own sword that I carried just in case but with just my two fingers I knew I'd be able to knock him out.

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