Chapter 7

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I watched as Sasuke and Suigetsu walked onto the bridge and made their way to the village. I pouted as I saw their figures get smaller and smaller until they completely disappeared from my view. 'The Great Naruto Bridge'. The name made it's way back into my mind. I'm not quite sure why but that name just keeps popping back to the front of my thoughts. There's something about that name that makes me feel some sort of way but I'm not sure what it is. I have a feeling that it has something to do with Sasuke but then there's also that feeling that makes it feel like it has something to do with me too.

I can't help but think that name has something to do with my past. My eyes widened when I realized what I was thinking. I shook my head to banish the thought. I had already told myself long ago that I wouldn't make any effort to find out about my past. Sasuke saved my life and I owe it to him. I am Hina, Sasuke Uchiha made me who I am and I have decided that I would live my new life solely for him and help him in his goals.

As I said that to myself, the name 'Naruto' once again made its way into the front of my mind. Why is it so persistent? I shook the name away once more and looked towards the bridge when I felt two chakra signatures. I could feel a smile appear on my face when Sasuke's figure came into view. I ran up to them; "Did you guys find the sword?" Suigetsu frowned, "No. Apparently it's with some rich guy who picked it up from the shrine where it was at." Sasuke looked at me, he seemed to be thinking of something. "I want to put something to the test. Hina can you do it?" I wasn't sure what he was saying but I was ready for anything that was thrown at me.

"I want you to retrieve Zabuza's sword". Suigetsu turned to him with shock written all over his face. I was a little confused too as to why he would want me to go get the sword that Suigetsu wants. It makes sense for shark boy to go get it. Even though I think that, I don't argue with him and only nod; I don't know what he wants to test but if he wants me to do it then I will. "Ok."

The sky is darkening into beautiful shades of purple, orange and pink; the sun slowly making its way down into the horizon. I'm hiding within some bushes, masking my chakra signature incase there is anybody nearby that can sense chakra signatures.

I haven't seen Sasuke or Suigetsu for a few hours now, I'm not really sure where they went. Sasuke just told me to come this place and wait until night falls then I can go in and take back the sword; I haven't seen them since. I look down at the huge building in front of me and count the guards one more time. I count them every thirty minutes in order to keep track of them. I move closer to the building as the sky continues to darken. 'Almost time'. I have to go in quickly and with as little casualties as possible.

Despite going on countless missions for Orochimaru, I have never killed a person. I can't stand the idea of taking someone's life even though we are shinobi. Sasuke has told me before too, to never kill anybody. I've seen him on missions as well and he always just knocks them out but never has he taken a life. He's said before that killing was unnecessary so I make sure to incapacitate someone before they have a chance to kill me.

Finally the sun disappears into the horizon, I pull up my hood to cover my hair and face then swiftly begin to move through the foliage surrounding the building where the sword is supposed to be. I keep my chakra masked until I reach the first guard, hitting the back of his neck with my hand knocking him out instantly. I went through each one of them doing the same thing to all of them. Half of them were already knocked out when the one's that were left figured out what was happening.

"Intruder!" I heard one of them yell and the others sprang into action but it was night so it was difficult to pinpoint my exact location. While they scrambled to find the intruder in the darkness, I knocked out one after another, seeing clearly with my activated eyes. I quickly made my way into the building where I was met with more people, Just how many of them were in here. It seems pretty impractical to have so many people guarding just one. But I suppose when you have weak people one would need to have a lot.

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