Chapter Three: The Situation

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(Some days after...)

- Hey, you up? - I asked.

- Yeah, I still need to practice till 2 a.m., why? - Haechan answered on the phone.

- Nothing much, only making sure you're fine.

He chuckled.

- Hey, I told you yesterday that I'm OK... Is this because of what we talked at the beach?

I didn't answer.

- It is, knew it. - he said. - Look, Y/N, I didn't help you to get something in return. I don't expect anything from you, just be always with me as you were before.

- Sorry... - I said. - I don't- I mean- I really- Ugh, I really don't feel good anymore... And...

I wanted to tell him. I wanted to tell him so bad how I felt for him... But...

"Hey. I know you're very close to Donghyuck, but don't interfere in his job. That means no meetings in between of his timetable, no speaking too much on the phone, and obviously, no dating. Understand?" Sounded in my head. I remember. Their manager told me...

- And? - I heard.

I came back to the real world.

- Sorry, I forgot. I zoomed out.

He laughed.

Gosh I love his laugh.

- Ok, sweetie. Gotta go back to practice, do you need me to see you after this? - he offered.

- No, please. You need to rest, Hyuck. Take it easy, don't force yourself too much, ok?

- Alright, mom.

- Hey, I'm younger than you!

- Only 2 months. - he chuckled.

- But there's a difference! I'm not old, you grandpa!

- What did you just called me!?


- Ah, you BIT-

- Take care. - I said ending the call.

I whipped the tears off my cheeks. I really love him... But not on the way he thinks.

I need him more than he needs me.

But he cannot be with me.

I finally went to sleep.

(Some days after...)

- Neee~~ - she said.

I looked down.

- Take care of yourself, don't be unhealthy. At the end of the day, if you're not healthy, you can't perform as good as it should be. - Haechan smiled.

- Ne, haechanie-oppa. - she answered cutely.

He only smiled to her.

I can't stand this anymore.

Every single time I come here to visit them I always end up seing this kind of interacción between idols and trainees.

And... It's really a hype and all of that, but... I just-


I hate this.

I'm going home.

He didn't even notice that I was there, so...

I turned around ready to head home when I bumped into someone.

- Ouch! - I exclaimed holding my nose.

Dang it. Why am I so short?

- I'm super sorry, I'm just so clumsy-

- You ok? - a guy asked me. - Wait, Y/N is that you?

I looked up.

- Shit, MARK! IT'S YOU! - I exclaimed happy.

- OH MY GOD! - he screamed.

I screamed with him.

Why are we so freaking loud? Everyone turned around to face us for a second.


- Yo! It's been like, i dunno, 3 months!?!? HOW'S MY SIS DOIN!?

I hugged him tightly.

- Lol, I missed you so much. By the way, I'm fine... I was about to head home actually.

- Oh no... Now? Like, can we go out later and catch up? - he pouted.

I laughed.

- Aegyo~ Alright, at what time?

- At 9 p.m. at starbucks?

- Sure. See ya?

- Yep. Bye, sis. Take care.

- You too, Markie.

I remembered then why I wanted to go home so bad and I started feeling bad again.

Hopefully, he didn't notice me... But, with how loud we were back there, I'm 100% sure that he would have noticed.


I turned around quickly.

For a milisecond I could recognise his beautifull eyes staring at me, but he turned around and left, pretending he didn't see me.


He has never done that.

I followed him with the intention of talking, but he went inside the recording room.

I stood there and waited.

Then I heard how the song 'No Longer' was played.

"She no longer needs me..."

That's... Hyuck...

How is that everytime I hear him sing I start tearing up...?

I peeked through a little space on the door.

Donghyuck has holding both of his hands on his chest while singing with his eyes closed.

I felt so bad with no reason...

I don't know who are you singing that for, Donghyuck.


I do.

I need you.

I need you

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This is the end of this chapter. I hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading, I really apreciate it!!! ❤❤

Chapter Four will be uploaded soon~

Besties - NCT Haechan (Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now