I'll Be There for You

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Brooklyn, NYC

Nine-year-old Luigi Mario sat in the Principal's office, fuming. His hands were still clenched in his lap, knuckles bruised and throbbing. Across from him sat Principal Silverstein, gazing severely at the fourth-grader.

"Okay, Luigi," said the Principal. "Would you like to explain why you attacked poor Mitchell in the halls just now?"

"Poor Mitchell"? Surely, the Principal was kidding! Mitchell was just one of the bullies who made life a living Inferno for Luigi and his elder brother, Mario. While Luigi was the main target due to his shyness and awkwardness, both brothers had caught some of the vitriol due to their Italian-American heritage. Kids could be real monsters sometimes. But God bless Mario—he'd always defend Luigi from this cruelty. Unfortunately, Mario couldn't be everywhere at once, and the bullying could get physical as well as verbal. He'd come home with bruises, scratches, scrapes and a black eye more times than he could count. Luigi wasn't as weak and helpless as these bullies were led to believe, though—if any of them dared try their garbage on Mario, then he'd whirl on them in an instant and tell them to back off.

Something similar to that had happened today.

Luigi had been minding his own business when he heard Mitchell's voice, and he spun around to see him trying to antagonize Mario. Mario was doing his best to ignore the boy, but Mitchell was persistent. As Mario turned to stride away, Mitchell decided that he wouldn't have any of that and called Mario—a name.

Not one of the average names tossed around by schoolyard bullies, but a horrible name. A name that was considered derogatory toward Italians.

Volcanic rage exploded in Luigi's soul when he heard Mitchell call Mario that name. The elder brother had turned back toward Mitchell, eyes narrowed, and probably would've attacked the little monster himself had Luigi not acted. Luigi was on Mitchell before anyone could react, tackling him and pinning him to the ground, driving his tiny fists into Mitchell's ugly mug over and over. Very colorful words had spewed from Luigi's lips as his anger came loose, Mitchell whimpering and sniveling like the coward that he was. They were all cowards, saying and doing these horrible things but turning tail when their targets decided to fight back. Mario watched the action with greedy eyes, while other students arrived on the scene to cheer Luigi on. It had taken three teachers and two hall monitors to pull Luigi off of Mitchell.

Which brings us back to the present.

Luigi took a deep breath and explained the incident to the Principal, who listened patiently.

"He's been pushing me and pushing me, and I'm tired of it," said Luigi.

"I shall discuss this matter with Mitchell later," said the Principal. "Regardless, I cannot condone the violent behavior you demonstrated toward him. Therefore, I have no choice but to put you in detention this afternoon, and the Vice-Principal is notifying your parents as we speak."

"What was I supposed to do? Stand there and let Mitchell push my bro around?"

"You could've told somebody, like one of the teachers."

"We tried that already," huffed Luigi. "Didn't work out too well."

"Watch the attitude, Luigi, before you get in more trouble," warned the Principal as Luigi glowered. "You are to report to the library immediately after class dismisses for the day, where you will stay for a period of thirty minutes. Are we clear?"

"Yes," muttered Luigi.

"You are excused, Luigi."

Luigi got up and stalked out of the office.

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