Sinister Secrets

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"Ah, Luigi," said Madame C. "It's nice to see you again."

Luigi pulled out Mario's letter, star, glove and shoe and placed them on the table. "I found more of my brother's items," he said. "Can you use them to find out more about his situation?"

"I certainly can," said Madame C. "I'll start with Mario's glove—still damp with the sweat of the living."

Madame C turned the glove over and over and traced each finger. Her eyes darkened as she began to speak.

"Your Mario, I'm sorry to say, is imprisoned," she said, "but where—oh, where is he being held? Wait a minute—is that a painting? Yes! Your Mario has been imprisoned within a painting! I'm seeing—an odd altar, and above it, your Mario! Trapped in a painting!"

Luigi shivered as he recalled the image of his battered brother, frantically bashing on the wall of his artistic prison and screaming for help. What was beyond that picture frame, anyway? Nothingness? A void designed to drive the captive mad? The thought made his stomach clench.

"I—I already saw what they've done to him," he said, "but I just need to know why? And is there a way I can get to this altar?"

"Let's find out," said Madame C, picking up Mario's shoe. "Why, the sole of this shoe is so worn, as if he's walked a thousand miles! Hmm..." She began squeezing, poking and prodding at the shoe. "Listen! Can you hear it? The inner voice of your sweet, beloved Mario? He calls..."

Luigi's breath hitched and shortened as that same, falsetto, panicked voice echoed around them, screaming out his name.

"Luigi! Luigi!"


"Luigi, please! Help me!"

"I will, Mario. I will..."

"Please, you gotta..." Whatever else he was about to say was cut off by a scream of unimaginable agony.

Madame C's figure blurred before Luigi's eyes, each of his brother's screams squeezing his heart out of shape.

"Help—Luigi..." Mario's voice whispered.

Madame C's brow creased. "I don't understand," she murmured.

"What?" Luigi asked, a little frantically.

Madame C's eyes met his. "It's a—king. King—Boo. Who is this King Boo?"

"M—Mario mentioned a King Boo in his letter," said Luigi. "He said he's dangerous..."

"That's what he's telling me," said Madame C. "Beware of King Boo—this is what your brother wishes to say to you."

"He also said that he's controlling all of the ghosts here," said Luigi, beginning to wonder if he should really trust Madame C. What if she was acting on King Boo's orders, as well?

Madame C pursed her lips. "I'm seeing a larger Boo wearing a crown—that's King Boo," she said, "and he's the one who's captured your Mario!"

"Why?" asked Luigi. "What does he want? Ransom? Insurance? What?"

"Let me take a look at another of Mario's dropped items," said Madame C. "Aha—there's the letter you're talking about! It's—in Italian, one of the languages of love."

"When we were growing up, Mario and I spoke Italian around the house," said Luigi. "We're fluent in both Italian and English."

"Well, I don't mean to brag, but I can speak, read and understand nine languages," said Madame C, "and Italian has to be one of them. Okay, so this letter translates to: 'Luigi, King Boo is very dangerous. He controls all of the ghosts. Look out!' Ew—it has blood on it...Okay, focus. Focus..."

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