Danger Zone

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Leaving Thad in the safety of the foyer, Luigi headed upstairs and into the parlor where that orange ghost had attacked him. Along the way, he vacuumed up cobwebs and used the suction to jostle a nearby chandelier, earning him some treasure. But when he entered the parlor, the room had gone completely dark. Remembering Gadd's advice and warnings, Luigi made sure his senses were on high alert.

He found more treasure to vacuum up before noticing the candles on a desk against the wall. Instead of the usual orange flame, these candles burned with a violet flame. This quickly aroused Luigi's suspicion.

I wonder what would happen if I blew them out, he thought.

Quickly, Luigi extinguished the candles—only to jump at the sound of giggling.

"Wh—who's there?!" he demanded, Poltergust at the ready.

One of the painting's eyes moved, glaring malevolently at him.

"Who put out my candles?!" a voice demanded. "You, Mr. Lime-Green?"

Luigi's heart jumped.

"Well, dark rooms are dangerous around here..." taunted a second voice.

"They love the dark," added a third, "and now they will get you!" Laughter.

"Who?" Luigi asked shakily. "Who will get me?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" chuckled the voices.

"Now you're in for it," a fourth voice joined in.

"Just like little Red-Cap before you," sighed a fifth.

Mario! Luigi thought.

"What did you do to him?!" he demanded, but he only got cackling in response.

"You'll never see him again," said the voices. "May you wander lost in the darkness—forever!"

"Are you afraid of the dark, little man?" the first voice mockingly asked. "Well, are you?" The voice laughed sadistically. "Here they come now. Good luck trying to fight them off—you'll need it."

A deep, menacing chuckle—and then silence.

Luigi gasped as thorn-like structures magically appeared on the doors, trapping him inside. A familiar laugh sounded behind him.

He spun and found himself face-to-face with an orange ghost!

However, Luigi wasted no time gawking, stopping the ghost in his tracks with his flashlight and turning the vacuum on full-blast. But as soon as he captured that ghost, more appeared. He pressed his lips together and leaped into action.

The man in green had been unnerved by ghosts his whole life. When he was a child, he was worried that they'd pop out from under his bed and scare him. Even as an adult, he was still a bit skittish when it came to the paranormal. But what choice did he have now? Mario was being held somewhere, and Luigi was the only one who could get him to safety. And the only tools he had to help him combat these ghosts? A vacuum cleaner and a communications device shaped like a gaming console.

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