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One year later...

And so—the matter of the ghosts was settled. Life went on for the Mario Bros and their friends in the MK, but it wasn't exactly the same. Both wound up seeing a psychiatrist once a week to cope with the emotional aftermath of their ordeal, and they had to contend with periodic nightmares, as well. However, they maintained their optimistic outlook on life and vowed to brave these hurdles the same way they'd braved the hurdles of the past—together.

As for Professor Elvin Gadd, he was so grateful to Luigi for restoring his gallery of portrait ghosts that he decided to do something special for him. Using all of the treasure Luigi had collected that night, Gadd, with the help of a few contractors and a construction crew, built the man in green his very own mansion!

Barely a fortnight after the new mansion was completed, Professor Gadd invited Mario and Luigi back to his lab and then led them to the brand-new property, perched atop a grassy hill.

"All righty," said Gadd when they reached their destination. "Tell me what you think!"

"Whoa..." breathed Luigi as he drank in the sight.

What a mansion it was! It was surrounded by a spacious yard with a fountain, and there was a garden—a suitable place for some midday contemplation. The mansion itself was three stories high and resembled a three-tiered cake, painted white with bright green accents. There were three rooftop arches, and the centermost arch was decorated with a bold green "L". Professor Gadd, the contractors and the construction crew had put their blood, sweat and tears into this venture, turning the gorgeous new house into a truly wonderful gift.

  Professor Gadd, the contractors and the construction crew had put their blood, sweat and tears into this venture, turning the gorgeous new house into a truly wonderful gift

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"Professor," Luigi said after a while. "Is this—for me?"

"You bet your life it is," replied Gadd. "My special 'thank you' to you."

A joyful flush rose to Luigi's cheeks as he hugged the elderly professor.

Gadd chuckled in response. "I knew you'd like it," he mused.

"What can I say?" Mario warmly asked. "You've definitely earned this."

Luigi smoothed his hair. "Oh, Bro..."

"But you have," said Mario. "When I was at King Boo's mercy, I wasn't even thinking of Peach—I was thinking of you—only you. That tyrant tried to break me, but he failed. I kept telling myself, 'I know I'll make it through this, because I have my bro'. If there was an award for the World's Best and Most Dependable Brother, then it would go to you."

Mario enveloped Luigi in a hug as Gadd smiled on.

"What are your plans for this new mansion?" Gadd asked once the Bros separated.

"I'll probably use this as a timeshare," Luigi replied. "Stay here over the summer—and whenever I need time for myself, I'll retreat here."

"Sounds like a plan," said Mario.

Luigi then shook hands with Gadd. "Will I—ever see you again?" he asked.

"Anything is possible," Gadd replied with a wink, "but no doubt, our paths will cross again."

The elderly professor then pressed the new mansion's keys into Luigi's hand. "All the best to you, youngster," he said quietly.

"Ditto," replied Luigi.

He turned and offered his arm to Mario. "Shall we?" he asked.

"Oh, yeah—let's-a go!" Mario cheerfully replied.

Mario slipped his arm into Luigi's, and Gadd watched the two of them head up the walkway, unlock the door and enter the green-clad plumber's new residence.

When the action is over, and we look back, we understand both more and less. This much is certain. Before that fateful night, Luigi Mario was merely the timid, cautious half of the Super Mario Brothers. And after—he was the cautious yet committed Mario Bro who'd rise to the occasion if a loved one was threatened. As word of the adventure spread, the Toads seemed to realize for the first time that Luigi was just as resourceful as Mario, resolving to put more of their faith in him. Koopa seemed to realize that Luigi could more than hold his own in a throwdown as much as his more famous twin, resolving to take him more seriously the next time they clashed.

It was a night that changed both Mario Bros. Mario visibly took more precautions wen going into certain situations, and he was more likely to consult Luigi, Peach and the rest of his friends for advice. He wasn't completely invincible, and he'd learned that the hard way. Luigi, for his part, walked from place to place with a bigger skip in his step and a bigger smile on his face, knowing that he had more courage and fortitude than he'd previously given himself credit for and vowing to focus more on the sunnier aspects of things.

The haunted mansion in Boo Woods, to Luigi at least, represented a turning point, a moment where he first tapped into and embraced his hidden bravery. He'd nearly been brought down, but he rose from the ashes of his fears to keep his vow and defend his sibling.

He also emerged with a new friend and a nifty new gadget, but that's missing the point.

Luigi suffered greatly that night, and so did Mario, but they ultimately grew stronger. It wasn't inevitable. King Boo and his brethren tried their souls, and through that trial—

—they overcame.


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