The Great Beginning

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Finding out that I was pregnant with triplets was surprising but nerve racking. Probably more exciting though! The thought of having three children after infertility was overwhelming, in the best way. Jazzy continues to come over every day and as she walks through the door she says the same thing every time.
She totally disregards that it's already been 3 weeks since my last appointment, meaning she's still surprised. John is super excited and writes me everyday asking if they have kicked or there has been any movement . I haven't felt any which is kind of scary speaking that I'm ALMOST 4 months. Jazzy decides to spend the night tonight because I was feeling lonely and we always watch the walking dead together when a new episode comes out. This new episode to season 4 though, literally made me puke! I don't know if it was the pregnancy or the fact that human beings are eating other human beings. Really that is going a little far?! By the time that episode is over I get my bowl of cookie dough ice cream and lay in bed with Jazzy by my side. I love her and all but she chews so loudly, that is my worst pet peeve.
"Does that food taste good because it definitely DOESNT sound good!!"
" Don't even start with me miss I have to pee every second of the night." Wow her sense of humor is hilarious. Not.
"Excuse me but I am pregnant and my babies lay on my bladder does something with your jaw or lips enable you to smack so loudly because if there is I'm happy to hear your explanation!" By this point I'm speaking sternly but in a friendly way.
"Well actually I have a thing called every time someone tells me to clothes my mouth while I'm eating it magically stays open"
"Well I'm sorry to inform you but that's not a real thing." We both laugh and all of the sudden I have a severe pain in my side. The very air I'm breathing is becoming thin. I gasp for air and Jazzy thinks I'm kidding but when she see's how much pain I'm in she asks me what's the matter.
"I just felt a sharp pain in my side."
"Do you need to go to the hospital?" She asks in concern
"No I'll just look it up on google" I have a smart allek smirk on my face because Jazzy thinks I look things up to often and even if they aren't true I still believe them. As I type in what I felt there's another feeling. The only difference is that it didn't hurt this time.
"Yes?" She sings
"I-I think that one of my babies is kicking!"
"What?! Lemme feel! Lemme feel!!" She says it and if she was a child who wanted their mother to hold them.
I put her hand on the area of movement and she is in awe.
"I bet the baby kicked my ribs and that's why it hurt at first!"
"Your probably right."
With that I felt another kick and it wasn't pleasant because followed by it was a large amount of liquid coming from my pee area. Yes, I peed myself.

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