Sometimes You Just Cant Change

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Ty POV :
I was sitting on the couch watching tv when the doorbell rang . I went to open the door and when I did , it was Ms.H .
Me : come in
Ms.H : thought I was standing outside ?
I sighed . She always had something to say . Shit was aggravating , but I knew what my mom had said about respect . So I shut my mouth .
Ms.H : where your mom ?
Me : can't say hi ? nothing ?
Ms.H : where is your mother ?
Me : your so aggravating ! why can't you just talk to me regular ? We was fine a couple weeks ago .
Ms.H : that was up until my daughter had to ask to transfer because of your bullshit .
Me : I understand but give me a chance , your not even giving me a chance .
Ms.H : I gave you A chance and you messed it up . Your just very lucky I handled the situation instead of her dad .
Me : okay I see we can't have a civilized talk . I don't want to fight any of you . I really don't and clearly I can't beat any of you .
Ms.H : I'm glad you know that .
Me : ima go get my mother .
Ms.H : you do that . and after we can talk
I walked up the stairs to my mothers room and knocked on the door . She didn't answer . I kept knocking , but still no answer . I was about to walk away but I heard her laugh . I guess she really wasn't talking to me . Whatever but I ran back downstairs .
Me : my mom ignoring me so you can just go upstairs .
She must of knew where she was going because she went upstairs and straight to my mothers door .
Ms.H POV :
I guess Yolanda handled Ty's little fresh ass because they aren't talking at the moment , plus Ty's on punishment . I wonder for how long . It really didn't matter to me because that wasn't my daughter . All I was worried about was another problem , and this time I wouldn't handle it , her dad would .
I knocked on Yolanda room door . She didn't answer . I Knocked again , and again no response . " What the fuck is she doing ? " I thought . Then she laughed , so I knew she heard me knocking . So I started banging on the door harder and harder . Then she said something .
Yolanda : Ty you better stop banging on my door before I get up and slap you .
I chuckled lightly and I started banging harder . I heard her get off the bed , so I knew she was upset . I couldn't stop laughing in my head .
Yolanda POV :
Ty was getting on my nerves with this damn banging . I told her I wasn't talking to her and she still insist to knock on my door as if i was going to answer . When she banged the last time , I got up off my bed . That was it , I couldn't take no more knocking/banging . When I got to the door and swung it open , standing there was Ms.H . By the way her name is Kristine . She was laughing . She looked pretty today like always . She wore her hair in curls down her back with gold earring hoops and red lipstick . She had on Capri jeans that had rips in them , with knee high brown boots with a polo button up with a Burberry jacket over . She wore a fanny pack around her waist .
Me : oh , hey . Sorry I thought that was my child annoying me .
Kristine : right .
She then walked in and started taking off her jacket , bag & boots . Next she climbed on my bed . It took me by shock cause I didn't let no one sit on my bed and she didn't even ask . I was just standing there staring at her . I guessed she noticed me cause she asked what I was doing .
Kristine POV :
She was just standing there staring .
Me : what are you doing ?
Yolanda : um , Uh ... I don't really allow people to sit on my bed .
Me : You acting like I got something . My bad , I'll take my food and I'll leave .
Yolanda : food ?
Me : uhuh , but I'm leaving .
Yolanda : nah stay . what food you got ?
Me : food , DUH
Yolanda : of coarse , I ain't that dumb . What kind ?
Me : doesn't matter , can I sit on the bed or not ?
Yolanda : yeah you can .
Me : okay so come sit down .
Yolanda : alright I will but did you bring me something ? I'm hungry
Me : yes fat ass . I brought you home fries , bacon , and eggs ; with a side of coffee .
Yolanda : oh em gee , your amazing . Thanks .
She grabbed the bag of food and hopped on the bed , ready to devoir the food . As she sat there and ate , I watched a little bit of TV while I text my ex husband/Bf . Yeah I know it's confusing but he's my ex husband cause we got divorced but now we're working on it so he's my boyfriend . Whatever . Midway through her food she wanted to start the talk . I'm glad she did cause I was ready to get up out of here . They house was nice and all but I liked my own bed and my own house .
Yolanda : so first in for most , I want to apologize for how I acted yesterday in the hospital . I usually tell her when she's wrong but you hit my daughter and I had to back her up .
Me : no , I totally understand cause I have a daughter myself and no one is going to put their hands on my child .
Yolanda : Yea and another thing I disliked was when you mentioned something to Ty about me not teaching her how to treat a female . ACTUALLY ....
Me : lower your tone , your making it to a 10 and I need you to bring it back down to a 2 .
Yolanda : Uh okay . Actually I have told Ty time after time after time how to treat a female . And I really like your daughter , so I went extra hard on Ty when they would have problems . Don't think I'm blind sided on what's going on because I'm not . Tyanna tells me everything .
Me : well your daughter ain't gone tell you when she hits my child and she has , and I've warned her not to touch my child . I handled it this time but IF there is a NEXT time , her father will handle it and I don't think neither one of you want that .
Yolanda : okay relax , no need to get upset .
Me : don't tell me what I need and not need to do . Please don't piss me off .
Yolanda : I'm not trying to . Please relax , we're have an adult conversation . I'm not trying to fight you
Me : We HAD an adult conversation but I'm ready to go . I guess we'll talk soon if there's another problem I need to handle involving your child .
Yolanda : stop talking to me like I'm a child .
Me : Bitch , shut the fuck up . You may as well be a child cause you treat your daughter like she's your twin sister . Grow some balls and raise your child , don't play with her
Yolanda : bitch ?! I think your the bitch here looking like a fake ass black Barbie .
Me : haha , I could look like a fake ass Barbie but I still look better than you and I make way more money than you . Get your money up then come talk to me broke ass wanna be .
She just stood there quiet with nothing to say . That's exactly what I though because if said anything else , my gun would of been staring her right in her face .
Me : I'm out , you broke bitch .
I walked out her room and slammed the door . I walked down the stairs and over to the door . I was about to walk out when Ty called me .
Ty : Ms.H , where you going ? I wanted to talk
Me : not today , your mother have pissed me off & I'm ready to shoot somebody . So instead of talking to you with anger , ima just come back another day and pick you up . We can go for lunch and talk . Have a good day .
Ty POV :
Damn ! my mom always doing something with her annoying ass . I wasn't going to even bother to go and yell at her . It wasn't worth me getting beat up and it wasn't worth my breath to say anything to her cause she never listens . She always think she's right . I needed to get out and get air , I don't care what my mom said about me being on punishment . I went upstairs to my room and jumped in the shower . When I got out , i lotioned my body and put on a matching polo briefs and sports bra set . I walked to my closet in search of an outfit . I decided on wearing grey sweats from h&m , a Yankees baseball jersey , and my Olympic 7s . I put on cologne and then put on my light jacket I got from h&m . I took a pic for the gram and captioned it " Going for a walk 😏😔 " . I locked my phone and walked downstairs and out the door .
I walked down a couple blocks until I got to the train station . I hopped on the train and was headed to Ruckers park . Everybody and their moms be there for games and stuff . Since today was a school day and it was around 2pm , nobody wasn't really in the park . When I walked in I spotted a brown skin girl running laps around the court . I'm guessing she missed school to unless she was in college and today she didn't have class . Anyway I walked to the nearest bench and I sat down . I opened my play list and I started listening to music while I thought of shit . I blasted my music so I could block everything out and just think .
About 20 minutes went by and I was still listening to music thinking . Suddenly my phone rung . I looked at the screen and it was Kat .
* Phone conversation *
Me : hello ?
Kat : hello . Ty ?
Me : yeah it's me . hey . wassup ?
It felt good to hear her voice and that alone made me smile .
Kat : nothing much , still in the hospital getting rest . I come out tomorrow .
Me : really ?! that's good ! I could come and see you then
Kat : that would be nice but ima be recovering at my moms house and I need to ask if it's okay with her .
That right there changed my mood quickly . Whatever man
Me : I guess but I have to go .
Before she could say anything I hung up . Just as I was hanging up , the girl I spotted earlier was walking up to me .
? : excuse me ?
Me : yeah wassup ?
? : I couldn't help but notice you when I was running . Your very cute .
Me : thanks , so are you .
? : what's your name ? I'm destiny by the way
Me : oh wassup destiny . my name is Ty .
Destiny : is that your real name or a nick name ?
Me : that's a nick name .
Destiny : well what's your real name ?
Me : I can't tell you that until we really get to know each other .
Destiny : okay , well I have to go . Can I get your number ?
Me : sure .
She gave me her phone and I entered my number . I saved it as TyDollas & she walked away from me . Damn she had a nice butt . I had to feel it so I called her back .
Me : ayo shawty ?
Destiny : me ?
Me : yeah you ma, who else ?
Destiny : I have a name
Me : to me , your anything I call you now come here .
Destiny : whatever .
She walked back to me .
Destiny : what ?
Me : don't what me . Say yes .
Destiny : yes ?
Me : can I get a hug damn
Destiny : I thought you'd never ask
Me : ha .
I stood up so I could hug her . When I hugged her , I slid my hand down to her ass . That shit was soft .
JuJu POV :
I was walking past ruckers when I noticed my bestfriend hugged up with some girl . I stopped dead in my tracks and starred at her real hard . Maybe that wasn't my best friend , maybe just a look alike . Then I looked harder and that was her . I noticed that hair anywhere . I took out my phone and took a picture . As much as I wanted to mind my business , I couldn't . I had to tell Katelina . Ty wasn't gone keep hurting her and thinking I would keep my mouth shut . Even though she got caught this time , doesn't make anything better . After I took the pic , I finished walking & ended up back home . When I got home , I took out my phone and looked at the picture . My bestfriend was really changing to be someone she's not . She wasn't like this nor did her mom raise her to be like This .

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