Chapter 5

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America sat on the couch along with Australia & New Zealand. They were waiting for Canada who was still getting ready, it was SEVEN! They were just going to a party, not a ball or a date. America checked his phone while Aussie read a book & kiwi stared off into the distance. After another couple minutes of waiting in pure silence..


The three on the couch shifted to see Canada in a flannel shirt some ripped jeans, a pair of light brown boots & his.. animal hat? Or whatever it's called.

"Wow.. it took you an hour. To come up with...that?" America Smiled but also was a tad upset at the time it took him, but he shrugged it off

"Sorry..I'm good with looks, you know that.." he gave an awkward smile before turning to the clock to see what the time was. "Do you think we should start walking? We do live a while from Japan's" America thought for a moment looking at the clock and nodded, "yeah, and if we're a little early that's fine probably". He stood, Australia and New Zealand following him while Canada practically ran to the door trying to hide his joy. America got his shoes on, along with a sweatshirt. Opening the door for everyone, they were gone.

Australia saw Japan's house just a block away and smiled lightly, all this walking was great! But when u have to carry someone who isn't exactly "small" makes it a tad worse. "Okay mate you can get off now. We're almost there" Zeland just gave a light growl before getting off. "Well..thanks for carrying me at all..I guess" he crossed his arms upset at the fact he needed to walk again. "Welcome!" Australia said giving his slightly shorter sibling a side hug, America breathed a laugh while pulling his phone out to check the time. 7:56pm
That's better timing that I thought.

Canada knocked on the door the times, with a bright smile




Japan swung the door open like an anime character "AMERICA~KUN! CANADA~KUN! AND THE OTHER TWO~!" She wasn't screaming, but still everyone felt like being deaf would be fine at the moment, "Hey Jap! Hows it going?" America walked up to her smiling and hugged her, she hugged back. It had been awhile since the two had spoken so this was quite nice.

"I'm Good..! How are you America-Kun?" Her voice calmed down a little bit she still had a large happiness in her voice..or something like that. "I've been good enough I guess" He let go of the hug and stepped back, "So may we come in?" Japan smiled showing the small fangs she has. "Of Course! It would be rude not to let you in~" She stepped to the side and gave a small bow, even if she was a anime freak, a cat girl, loud, she was still following her religion non the less, she was very kind already but you can't always see that. America stepped to the side to let his brothers in first. After they had walked in Canada went to go search the house & talk with people who had already arrived, kiwi and Aussie decided they would go on an exploration.

America let out a sigh as he walked in, Japan had vanished to someplace else in the home leaving America to close the door, he turned to close the door looking out to see if anyone else was planning on coming in at that moment, he saw no one, then again it was dark and America was wearing his sunglasses so seeing someone would be difficult, but nonetheless the closed the door without a second thought walking over to the kitchen, on the way there he saw some friends he waved to those & saw some...foes, he tried not to look at those people it would ruin his time probably, even though it already wasn't a "great" party, he new there would be drinks.

Look at all those words :D okay bye

•I Met You At A Party...?• : America x Russia: Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now