Chapter 7

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Here We Go Again

America continued to sit there as Russia looked up at all the people staring, he felt sick to his stomach, he normally never felt sick. So many countries were staring, some disgusted, some smirking, and some just confused. America was still staring at the country he was sitting on still not knowing who the hell it was. He began to get annoyed with his blurry vision, anger and annoyance filled him. He tightened his grip on the others throat pulling the other closer and. In a matter of seconds he had bitten the red neck with all the strength his drunkenness gave him. Russia was in such shock the pain didn't even kick in until a couple seconds passed. Russia stood up and shoved the small American to the floor America hit his head on the floor in a heap. "What The Fuck?!" America shouted ...Russia stomped to the bathroom holding his neck rubbing it lightly. Тупица. He can't drink. He fuckin insane. Russia growled as he finally made it to the restroom,



Russia heard nothing, he slowly opened the door still lightly rubbing the lower part of his neck. Closing the door behind him he took a step closer to the mirror having to bend down because of his hight. He moved his hand to see a bruise begin to form.

Fuck, fuck, FUCK!

he opened the cabinet and looked for some bandages,


He grabbed a large wrapping of bandages and wrapped in around his neck in a way it wouldn't cover his neck like a turtle neck, but lightly slanting downward from the bite.

Looking back into the mirror he have a heavy sigh of relief and placed the bandages back in place closing the cabinet.

"I should've just stayed home," he smiled to his reflection "none of this bull wouldn't have happened, я ухожу" he stepped out of the restroom back to flashing lights, screaming, and blasting music. He went to search for Japan to give his fairwell.


America rubbed the back of his head slowly still processing what happened, He could see Canada kneeling beside him but he couldn't hear was all blurry but he knew it was him. Everything was... Silent, his breathing began to rush.

What's happening?...why can't I hear anything?!

He started shaking but couldn't stand. He sat there trapped the walls blurry as they are and as many people surrounding him the room was closing, the silence was eating him from the inside his stomach aching horribly.


Canada saw fear in America's eyes, hurt, pain..

"America?.. America?! Are you okay?? I'm right here it's okay don't worry.." Canada grabbed Americas shoulders and shook them lightly and gave a worried smile


America looked up at his younger brother with his eyes and not his sunglasses, his shaking calmed...but his hearing was still gone, but he felt calmer and breathed.

"C.. Canada?"

He saw the others lips move but no words came out, he seemed calmer as well. America struggled but stood up slowly

"Go enjoy the party Canada!" He smiled but the taller looked confused...


"C.. Canada?" America said with a pause and he calmed down with his brother

"Hey! Are you okay? you need water?" He got out quickly with some panic but alot calmer than before luckily

"Go enjoy the party Canada!" He smiled as he stood acting Asif nothing had happened?


The lesser walked away last the crowd surrounding, everyone spread apart since the action had ended.


Flicking the fake tail Japan played her second to last card

"Uno~~" she said in a smug voice

"What?? How?! We stared the round like A minute ago!" Shouted South Korea

"우리는 한 시간 전에 시작했습니다 ..." Muttered north in his glass ridden voice, with a hint of playful annoyance

South flipped off his brother as he placed his card

"What The-?!"

"PLACE YOUR CARD NORTHHHHH!!" Japan shouted with boredom

North sighed and placed a green block

"Happy, 개년?" Whispered North

The two opposites Snickerd as Japan rolled her eyes


Out of nowhere Russia appeared and tapped Japan's shoulder she jumped very lightly even though there was blaring lights and music, he turned her head her ears facing to the ground and she was pouting.

"Oh Hey Russia-kun...What Do You Need?" She said at a very sad and partly timid voice

"I'm goin to head out, thanks for inviting me" Russia whispered in a loud voice to her

"Aweee! Please don't the party's just getting started~!" She smiled showing off all she fangs and a sinister look in her eyes

"No its-" Russia was cut off from a scream in a room off to the right

"See..?" Japan whispered silently to North and South, they as well gave a smile.

•I Met You At A Party...?• : America x Russia: Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now