Chapter 18

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I haven't updated in weeks I apologize 👌

Reluctantly America sat up to see his window open, raised an eyebrow but stood up to close it. Wasn't it closed before.. or did I forget? He fumbled through his thoughts successfully closing the window. Walking back to his bed, lying down to sleep some more.

As he had finally found the perfect position to take a nap he began to doze off, until he heard a sneeze from under his bed. "What the hell..??" He said in a slightly strained voice sitting up to see what it was. (But he couldn't see anything because well..the sound was from under his bed)

America in his brilliant moment, laid back down and rolled off his bed letting out an "oof" as he hit the ground. After his small daze he looked under the bed to see a pair of bright yellow eyes, "Oh hi Jap, why are you here?" He asked curiously turning onto his stomach to be more comfortable on the hard ground.

Japan was quiet then slowly crawled out from under the bed adjusting her ears to a more comfortable position, "I.. Wanted to make sure you were okay- I don't know America..kun I- heard something happened last night? At least- that's what I heard." She Stuttered though her words but her voice was gentle and calming.

America looked at her sitting there, "Yeah.." he sighed remembering the nights events. But unfortunately his thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the window.

"Uhh- Can you two let me in?? It's kind of awkward just standing outside someone's window.." America didn't realize who it was until japan stood up and spoke once more. "Come on South it cant be that bad keeping watch for me.." she whined re-opening the window helping South Korea inside.

"Keep watch?" America asked sitting up resting his head on his bed, "Yeah, technically We are not allowed in here, they're having a meeting out there about you or something..?" South said walking over sitting next to America. They both chuckled. "Didn't know I was so important" America flaunted Placing his hand beneath his chin dramatically.

Japan sat down and hugged America causing him to let out a groan, "your hugs are always so sweet and tight, I don't even know how that's possible" he said hugging her back softly. After a moment the hug broke and they went back to awkward silence.

"I saw you last night with Ussr's kid. What the hell was you a capitalist and him a communist doing together drinking?" Japan questioned laying on her stomach looking eagerly at the American. America looked at her with slight displeasure, but let the feeling sink away looking at his hands. "Uh.. I was stupid at your party so he came here and took me to get a drink.. it was nothing really at all, why do you ask?"

Japan thought as if not remembering having the part, but letting out an "ohh" after a second. Then shrugged "That would explain why he said he would be leaving so soon I suppose." She mumbled, "but that still doesn't explain why you go to drink.." South said while Japan played with her hair making a small braid.

"I guess, but I don't really wanna talk about it, you know?" America let out a deep sigh then smiled, "By the way your English wasn't perfect, thought I'd let you know." The American smiled patting souths shoulder. "당신은 한국어를 모른다. 그래서 나는 이미 당신보다 낫습니다." (You don't know Korean. So I am already better than you.)

Japan let out a laugh, while America furrowed his brow upset he didn't understand. "I don't know what you said but i bet it was insulting to me." Crossing his arms, causing him to look like a fussy child. "Maybe, maybe not you don't know." South Korea said smiling, standing up then helping japan up, she let out a sigh "I guess we have to go, will I see you again sad guy?" She said walking to the window letting south jump out first, "Maybe, I don't know I might just cry in bed but no promises." America mumbled helping Japan out his window.

"Well don't get to lonely without us.. Kay?" She said going on her tip toes just to smack America's cheeks softly. "Heh don't worry I won't be missing you at all miss neko~" America laughed closing his window before he could get a response.

He laid back down looking at his ceiling again feeling refreshed.

Hahaaaa god this chapter is so daum boring u-u

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