Chapter 9

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~~Im Feeling A lot Better So Here's A Longish Chapter~~

Morning Skip•

America woke up to the sounds of screaming, a headache, and missing glasses. Well Shit...

"AME YOURE FINALLY AWAKE! WHERES KIWI?!" Aussie shouted running around the small but familiar living room in a panic

America looked around the room with pure confusion plastered onto his face, How did he get home? What happened last night? Where was New Zealand??

Australia paused for a moment to look at his brother, "Get up! Text Kiwi! Do something. I need help here!"

The blue stared country sat up to see his phone, "Where's Canada?" He said as he logged in seeing numorous texts from friends and family, "He decided his... Boyfriend was more important than dragging you home" Australia said with a smirk near the end of the sentence. America paused and thought for a moment.

"Wait. You..." Americas headache was like hell, it took extra brain power just to get. "Dragged Me home??" He looked down at the back of his legs to see burns or some sort of marks. Nothing.

"Maybe," Australia smiled "hope your back doesn't hurt too bad."

America groaned "Fuck You" he mumbled under his breath he looked for kiwis number,

3 New Texts From New Zealand

[Hey I'm at Tiffy's for tonight]
[See you tomorrow]

"He's fine, he should be home later today" He laid down to get comfortable..."What happened last night..?" America said in a dreamy and lost voice.

"..." Austria thought for a moment trying to recall what happened to America, since he had been alone outside for the most part playing with squirrels.."well, umm i-i...I don't know..I was...uh lost. yeah.. lost!" He said as if it was an excuse.

" you know where my glasses are atleast, he said with a chuckle rolling over to the the other laying on the floor.

The snake loving country gave the taller a look, "Next to ye head ya dingbat."

America looked up to no surprise see his glasses right there. "Oh..." He quickly put them on, seeing the world back to the way he should.



America stood up with a groan, this headache was going to be an complete and utter pain in the ass "I'll get it." He stumbled to the door almost tripping on a wall, He opend the door to see, a tall. I mean VERY tall country, they wore a grey hat with a red star right dab in the middle. "White....Blue...Red..." The shorter mumbled from a partly open jaw.

The taller had a look of anger, annoyance, and some confusion formed in those eyes, America had no idea who this was but they did resemblance some he did know a long time ago...even if they were still alive.. America took at step closer getting to his toes to get a closer look looking the other in the eyes. The taller suddenly shoved the other away making America take a step back

"Ow!..Sorry dude.." America said as he massaged where they had shoved.

In a thick accent the other said "Is there something wrong with you?" He took a step forward "You remember last night? Or no?"

America studied the other giving a even more confused look than the other had just before "What are you talking about?" His voice strong but quiet.

The taller groaned "I'm Russia. And you were drunk off your ass! Being a fag." Russia said in a voice that became dark and husky what the end, he leaned closer to the shorter having a look of anger and annoyance.

America's eyes widened, he had acted gay, in front of almost every single person there was to be seen. Fuck. "So..why are you here then?" America said with his own annoyance tensing up looking the other in the eyes (even if sunglasses were in the way)

Russia stared the other down, "Well in your process You made fool of me.." he said as he straightened up "So. Now I get to make a fool of you" He smirked and raised an eyebrow


•I Met You At A Party...?• : America x Russia: Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now