Chapter 17

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Me - *Accidentally bites self from frustration*
My Aunt - *Goes off saying I'm selfish and shit*
Me - You aren't helping. >:,/

America stayed in his room for the entire day, with a hang over and pain in the ass (literally) every now and again he would hear one of his brothers knock but leave a minute after not receiving any responses. If I stay here for a couple days I'll feel better. America thought listening to some music in his ears staring at the ceiling. He felt the urge to use the bathroom but refused to move, turning onto his side to feel more comfortable closing his eyes, all worry's vanished in an instant.


Canada, New Zealand, and Australia all sat in the living room along with Ukraine, Wales, South Korea, and lastly Japan who played with her fake tails fur during the awkward silence.

"Does anyone know what happened last night?? Aside from Russia and America going out?" Ushered Ukraine out of the blue causing everyone in the room to stare at the
non-binary country crossing their arms. (Yes in this story Ukraine is non-binary)

All stayed silent, not saying anything thinking. After another moment of pure silence Wales cleared his throat to grab attention, "Uh- I feel.." He paused for a second then in a smaller voice pointing towards Japan, "Japan had something to do with this."

Turning his head a second later to look out the window, closing his mouth to only show one sharp tooth out of his mouth. Japan sat there lowering her ears. "Me? Why.. I would never do that to America!" Their voice has a tinge of hate in her voice near the end, "Jap-" Canada was cut off "Shut it. Don't you accuse me of this." Japan hissed standing up, pulling her shorts down slightly then up again, "I'm leaving this shouldn't be my problem if I'm accused" She was gone as soon as she said that slamming the door.

All winced at the door shutting, South sighed patting Australia on the back, "I'm going to go catch up with her, catch you later?" He said waking to the door, "sure thing, cya" Australia waved his goodbye, and North was gone.

New Zealand who had stayed silent the entire time finally spoke up, "This isn't going to work you dumb asses, we can just ask America when he's ready. Okay?" Everyone stared at him for a moment then silently nodded.

"How about a movie?" Canada said tiredly leaning into his fist that rested on the couch.

"Yeah" everyone said simultaneously.


America woke up to a slam of a door, then a silent room, aside from the muffled noises outside his bedroom. What the hell is happening..? America wondered but brushed it off thinking it probably wasn't anything to important. Closing his eyes again he tried to drift to sleep again until an extreme rush of cold hit him.

Reluctantly America sat up to see his window open, raised an eyebrow but stood up to close it. Wasn't it closed before.. or did I forget? He fumbled through his thoughts successfully closing the window. Waking back to his bed lying down to sleep some more.

Don't worry next chapter will be interesting maybe idfk honestly, ok bye

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