Chapter 16

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Welcome back to the party!

Russia slowly began to awake to the sun being in his eyes, he groaned not wanting to move. He was warm and was comfortable. He felt he was holding something close to him but wasn't sure what, until he decided to open his eyes to look.

He looked down and saw.. the blanket, hm. He yawned closing his eyes again.. wait a minute. He furrowed his eyebrows, widening his eyes lifting the blanket. He was butt-ass naked.

"What the fuck??" He whisper shouted looking at the floor seeing his clothes scattered around. Fuck, what happened last night, what happened to America?? Last thing I remember is him going to the restroom.. FUCKKK" he wanted to shout and kick something but he was mentally drained, it was way to early.

*Small music pause(if you're listen to music*

Kill me, Just kill me now, I don't want to go home, I don't wanna go anywhere... These were the thoughts America was having while walking quickly down the street with his back hunched slightly. "Fuck, I just want to sit down..but I CANT!" he shouted at the end causing some nearby countries look at him funny.

As he continued to walk he got a tap on the shoulder causing him to let out a small shout, and turn his head. There was china wearing his mask, he's had that on for a while, wonder what's been wrong. The thought left as soon as it came, "Hello America, how are you, you seem...Off" The Chinese tilted his head lightly to the left out of curiosity. America felt a small blush on his face pulling his glasses slightly lower, "Yeah, just annoyed." He turned and began to walk again, he already knew the other was following.

"Well good, because I have somethings I must talk to you abo-" China was cut off my America saying "not right now! I have some shit I really need to deal with, okay??" He started running away, it hurt but was worth it to get away from that god awful conversation.

Before America knew it he was in-front of his home, he gave a sigh of relief and fear, I don't want to go in but I do.. he walked up to the porch, grabbing his keys unlocking the door walking in, to the living room dropping to the floor on his stomach, to a rug that was extremely soft. He let out a sigh of happiness nearly falling asleep right there. Until..

"America's back!!" Australia shouted down the Hall to anyone else that was home, which was nobody. Aussie walked over to America laying on his back next to America, "So~ how was your night, did you guys-" America elbowed him in the side, "no dumbass" America groaned wanting to die, because he knew they had, if he wanted to forget or not, it still HAPPENED. "Sorry dude! It was just a joke" Australia chuckled letting out a small groan in pain.

Please be a normal day today.. America prayd on the floor

Sorry it's short, I'm busy asfff

•I Met You At A Party...?• : America x Russia: Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now