The date ~3~

19 1 1

Jonah's P.OV


I hit my alarm clock to turn it off. I flipped over to go back to sleep. Why was my alarm on if it's a Saturday? OH MY GOD. I jumped out of bed.

"TODAY'S THE DAY" I yelled.

I ran out my room into my parents room, I jumped onto their bed.

"Wake uuuuuup" I yelled.

"Go away!" My dad groaned.

"Today is the day!!" I smiled.

"Oh my god. YAAAYYYY" My mum yelled.

"What's today?" My dad asked.

"Jonah is going on a date with a girl he met" My mum cooed.

"Congrats buddy, now go someone else and be excited" My dad sighed.

"Come on, let's go get you ready" My mum jumped out of bed.

We walked into my room and my mum went into my closet and pulled out a button up shirt and some jeans. I walked into the bathroom and got changed, I looked into the mirror and smiled at myself. I walked back into my room and my mum stood up and she smiled.

"You look handsome" She smiled.

"Thanks Mum" I walked up to her and hugged her.

"This is nice" She whispered.

I nodded my head.

"Okay I got to finish getting ready, the dates at 1" I pulled out of the hug.

She just nodded her head and walked out of the room. I walked into my bathroom and started doing my hair, after I finished my hair I walked out of my room and found a plate of toast and bacon and a glass of orange juice. I pulled out my phone.

Me: Wear something casual but formal.

"THANKS MUM" I called out.

I ate the food and drank my drink and continued to get ready. After I got ready it was around 12, I walked over to my desk and grabbed my phone. I texted Rachel.

Me: Hey, you almost ready?
Rachel😍: Yeah, just gotta do my hair :)
Me: Okay, Text me when you're ready
Rachel😍: Will do

Rachel😍: I'm ready. -Address-
Me: On my way
Rachel😍: See you soon :)

I ran down my stairs and into the kitchen.

"Time to go, cya" I called out.

"WAIT. Come here." My mum yelled after me.

I walked over to her.

"Let me smell your breath" She softly grabbed my jaw.

I opened and she sniffed.

"You're all good. But take these" She handed me a pack of gum.

"Seriously mum?" I laughed.

"Wait I have something else for you." She walked off.

"Here" She handed me... EW!

"MUM" I laughed.

"I don't need them, I'll take the gum but not that." I grabbed the gum and put it in my pocket.

"Okay then. Byeee!!" She pushed me out the door and I grabbed my keys on the way.

I said bye and walked towards my car. I buckled up and put her address into my phone and drove off.

Falsely taken away. J-MWhere stories live. Discover now