Hang on Sugar ~12~

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                                                                     Rachel's P.O.V

3 days later

I was locked in a tiny room with a blanket for my bed laid on the ground, a bucket for a toilet, and when it was full I had to tip it down a hole in the corner. I started to lose hope that Jonah was ever going to find me. I had been abused by my uncle and Daniel multiple times. They would tell me that I was worthless and I deserved to die. They would occasionally bring food to my room and I ate it fast to trick my mind that I was full. But the truth was, I was starving.

The door opened harshly and my uncle walked in.

"Hello bitch" He smirked.

I kept my mouth shut.

He punched me and kicked me and once he was satisfied he left.

I was in hell.

                                                               Jonah's P.O.V

"Malay Street!" One of the officers yelled.

I stood up. And some other officers did as well. We had been staying at Jack's and ordered food to his house. We walked to the officer that yelled it out.

"It's the only street that starts with 'Ma' and has an abandoned house"

"Grab your gear boys. We're going in" The leader officer said.

The leader officer came up to me and handed me a bullet proof vest and a sash for guns.

"You're going to need these if you want your girlfriend back" He gave me a sad smile.

"Thank you officer" I looked up at him and gave him a hug.

"Thank you for all your help" I let a tear go.


"Alright boys. From here we walk" One of the guys said.

We got out the car and made our way to the house. The leader used his fingers to tell some of the boys to go around the back. He came up to me.

"You stick with me" He whispered, I nodded my head and followed him.

"Get your gun out and glock it" He said to me.

I did what I was told and felt uncomfortable holding the gun, he must of noticed because he stopped and patted my shoulder.

"You will be okay. We have to do this-" He stopped for a second.

"-For your girlfriend" He stated and kept walking.

I followed closely behind and we approached the door. He kicked it down with his gun and flash light out. I did the same and we walked through the house.

"Come out with your hands up!" He yelled.

Someone came out from the dark, the leader moved his flashlight towards him.

"Is that him?" He asked me.

"Yeah" I stated bluntly.

I noticed he had a gun.

"He has a gun"  I whispered.

"DROP YOUR FUCKING WEAPON" He screamed at him.

Her uncle laughed like a psycho.

The leader called in for back up. The rest of them came rushing in, guns drawn. Her uncle dropped his weapon and held his hands up for surrender.

"I was bored anyway" He sighed.

Falsely taken away. J-MWhere stories live. Discover now