Luna's nails dug into her palms under the table. For the first time in a long while, she felt ready. Really, truly, ready. She didn't feel like she was going to be abandoned again, and she felt as though she had recovered from the last encounter with the White Sand.
"The troops of the White Sand have been running low on supplies for a while now, and we're just getting started." Luna said as she tied her sheath to her belt, standing up from the table in the Conference Room. She shook her hands, letting the air burn through the marks on her palms.
"This week will be the first of a few battles that will be fought," Lloyd added as he stood up from his chair. "We just have to train until the DoSD is ready for us."
"We're ready," Sylvia nodded. "For anything. Let's just hope my father isn't."
"Lloyd, you've got the letter from the DoSD, right?" Luna turned to face him, but she felt her knees give out before he could answer. She slid down the side of the table, her hands roughly hitting the metal.
"Luna!" Lloyd was the first one to her side, helping her up as she passed out in his arms. He picked her up and took her over to the couch. Luna lay there, completely still. All the color had washed from her skin and her lips were turning purple. Harper looked at Sylvia with an expression of betrayal and denial. Sylvia furiously shook her head, her eyes wide. This wasn't her.
Luna opened her eyes. She looked around, realizing she was back in the dark hallway from when it all began. The Shadow Realm. She looked around again, this time taking in details. The doors were all open, and empty as they had always been.
The white door at the end of the hall was the only one left closed. Luna took a deep breath and stepped towards it. She reached for the doorknob, but stopped.
Something felt off. She put both hands on the door, shutting her eyes tightly. The door swung open soundlessly.
Luna held her breath as she stepped into the room behind the door. It was a large room, with seven thrones lining the wall.
As she stepped further into the room, the door swung shut behind her. Luna could feel it slam, but all sound was lost to the darkness.
When she looked back, every throne was occupied. She realized it was Cleo and her friends.
As she stepped towards them, she saw they were all soaked in a heavenly glow. As she stepped closer, one went out, and a beam of pure darkness washed over it. Elijah. Then the next one went out. The girl Skye. She looked at the others, watching them all sit perfectly still, not even noticing her presence. Then her ears filled with the sound of screeches of pain, the same sound she had heard the night everything had changed.
Luna sucked in a breath, opening her eyes.
Her friends stood around her, nervously looking at each other. Lloyd lifted her hand as the color returned to her face.
Shaking her head, Luna looked around warily. She shook a little, maybe out of fear, maybe from a cold draft that seemed to wash over her. She sat up, putting her head in her hands as a wave of dizziness washed over her.
Luna stood slowly, Lloyd holding her arm as she did. "I'm okay," she said, her voice steeled and her jaw set. Her eyes burned with a fire unlike any other. She stepped towards the entrance, her strength returning with each step. The lights flickered as she passed beneath them. She stepped out past the hologram, facing the night sky. The moon was full and shadowed by clouds. The stars were bright, and reflected against the water. Luna closed her eyes just for a moment, taking in every scent and feeling. The air smelled of revenge, and the soft breeze of resentment.

Under the Shadow of the Moon
Science-FictionLuna Vis woke up one morning, or rather one night, to the dim light of the moon. It was a day that started like any other, but turned out unlike any other, setting off the chain reaction that set her life ablaze for a second time. For six years she...