Chapter 70

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Luna stared through the glass, Trae's form still beside the slow rise and fall of his chest. He looked peaceful, like he was having a good dream. The monitors around him were beeping steadily and his fingers were twitching at his sides. She felt her heart twist, feeling as though she was falling.

Lloyd's hands were on her shoulders keeping her from sliding down the wall. He led her into the room, her heart hammering and her legs feeling like lead. She sat down on the edge of the bed and Lloyd sat beside her. She was hit by a sudden overwhelming feeling of luck and gratitude. Lloyd was there. Trae was alive. The others were fine. She was alive. She would be okay. Trae was alive.

Luna picked up Trae's hand, clasping it between her own. She kissed the back of his hand, feeling his soft skin beneath her dry and cracked lips. She leaned over and kissed his forehead, a few stray tears landing on his face. She brushed some of his hair away from his eyes, the locks of liquid gold soft between her fingers.

Lloyd pulled her into a hug as she started to sob. "Thank you so much for saving him... I love you so much..."

"I love you too," he whispered softly. Her tears soaked the sleeve of his t-shirt.

"It was my fault that he got hurt in the first place. It's my fault he died. He jumped out to protect me... he showed up because of me..." she mumbled with her chin on Lloyd's shoulder. "Screw the government. I blame them for this. I never asked to be a weapon. I never asked for you all to get dragged into this. And I never wanted anyone to get hurt."

"Luna—" Lloyd's response was cut off by Trae stirring. His fingers tightened around Luna's palm and his eyebrows scrunched together.

Luna let out a short gasp, turning to face him. She touched his face lightly, running a finger down from his temple to his chin. His lashes fluttered and his eyes began to open. She touched his face again, and he cracked a weak smile. "I told you I'd see you again," he croaked, his voice worn away and strained.

Luna made a sound between a sob and a laugh and leaned down to hug him. He placed a hand on her back and slowly moved it to her face. "I thought I lost you... I don't want to live without you..."

"We were all worried—scared we'd never get you back." Lloyd added, standing up from the bed.

Trae held out his hand for Lloyd's. Lloyd took it gently. "Thank you," Trae rasped. Lloyd nodded with a half-smile, swiping at his eyes and slipping out of the room to check on his flower.

"Do you want me to get your parents?" Luna asked gently.

"Not yet." Though weak, his impish grin was back on his face. She pressed a gentle kiss to his lips as he pulled her face closer to his.


Sylvia sat across the room, watching Harper sleep. Maybe it was a little creepy, but seeing Harper's calm breaths comforted Sylvia. She was curled up in a chair, her knees pressed against her chest and a sad expression on her face. She had lost everything she thought she knew about herself and she had almost lost everyone else she cared about. She almost lost Harper. She shivered, pulling the blanket she'd brought from her room closer to herself, but it didn't help.

Sylvia inched closer, standing at the foot of the bed. Harper looked calm and peaceful, her face relaxed and her chest rising and falling slowly. Sylvia kissed her cheek lightly, not even stopping to process her action and quickly fled the room. Her face was burning as she rushed back to her own room. The door shut behind her and she collapsed at the foot of her bed. She curled up against the cold metal frame, pulling the blanket above her head. Her hands shook as she replayed the events of the last few minutes, jumbling against the events of the last few months. She hated herself and the way she felt for a long time, but having someone know made things easier. Having someone accept her made it easier for her to accept herself.

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