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"This is how it will be. We want all of New City. You can have Blue Ridge, but New City is ours. As for the Cyrensix kids, weed them out. We don't need any more of them in the future. The world is alright as it is now." The man at the head of the table in the dark room announced.

"And the population issue?"

A pause. "How is housing?"

"Still alright."

"Then it's the overcrowding in the public?"

"Yes sir."

Another pause. "We'll split the population."

"How will we do that?"

"Have half of them live during the day, and half during the night."

"And just how are we going to do that?"

He snapped his fingers and pointed to one of the scientists huddled in the back of the room. The scientist scuttled over, placing a metal box on the table and opening it. Inside was a small vial, sitting on a piece of foam.

"This," he paused. "Will solve all of your problems."

The Eye watched the other men as they spoke in amusement before he walked out of the room, making his way down the hall and into another room. He took pride in the others not knowing he was the one behind the war. To them, he was just a consultant of the losing side.

He made it back to his base, stalking through the empty halls as he pulled on his uniform jacket. Throwing open a door, he now stood on a ledge looking out over a large room lit only by haphazardly covered windows and sparse fluorescent lights. He sneered out at his assortment of soldiers, the auditorium sized room filled with men and women dressed in black. "We have time," his voice reverberated through the room. "This is just a minor setback. In six years time, we will have all the strength and resources we need to start another war, and this time, we will win, and the world beneath our feet will burn!" Cheering erupted around him and he smirked in accomplishment. "The White Sand will rise again, and we will get to make all the rules. We will be the leaders of a new great society that will worship us as gods! I stand before you now with the promise that I will provide you all with exactly what you want. A chance at a new life. A chance to lead. A chance to finally be the one in control!" The crowd cheered again and he waved, turning to exit the room.

Someday soon, the world will burn.

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