I need a title .

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"did that help pretty boy" Morgan asked as he pulled away
I looked at him. I was speechless.

"Too soon" he asked

"no not at all" I managed to say

"weel I started to think that I had offended you greatly" he said laughing

"no, just shock, am I dreaming," I asked as I looked at him.

"Nope, not at all," he said

A few moments later Garcia walked in all happy.

"baby boy and boy genius, what are you doing," she asked

"literally nothing baby girl,"

"The question is what are you doing," I asked

"that my boy genius if for me to know and you to never find out" she said as she headed for the door.
"by the way, I can always check the CCTV" she wanted as she walked out,

We looked at each other in shock, she knew, then again of course she did we both exchanged quick glances then we rushed out the room to find her. We had to make sure she didn't tell anyone, not that the team would judge us, nothing is really official. We both headed straight to her room. Morgan knocked as we waited. I heard a little giggle before she shouted come in. We walked into her 'lair'

"What can I do for you two lovely boys," she asked all chirpy.

"Garcia we know that you know okay, so please don't tell anyone" Morgan asked.


I interrupted her "please Garcia and anyways nothing is official"

"Dont worry my favorite boys your secret is safe."

"Thanks, Baby girl," Morgan said as he left the room.

I sat down on a chair in her office.

"What's on your mind junior G-man," she said all happy.

"do you reckon that Morgan is only doing this for me, you know he never led is to think that he was homosexual."

"Spencer, honestly I think the full team knew that he liked you before he even knew so no I think he is doing what his heart tells him and what his heart is telling him is to go for the one boy he can't sleep without knowing that he is safe, honestly spencer he loves you"

I looked up at her, I knew she was right, she is Garcia after all, the queen of relationship advice.

"Thanks, Garcia," I said.

I went to stand up when suddenly she pulled me into a hug. This hug probably lasted easily a minute.

"i can't believe that my two favorite boys are getting together," she said almost squealing

"Not so loud" I said as I walked out the door.

I walked back to my desk and I sat in my chair, it was strange I was sat there thinking what Garcia had said about him actually loving me, it really made me think nothing like this ever happens to me, no man has ever loved me, not even my own father. I took a deep breath and tried to get that man out my head, if what Garcia was saying was true it made me so so happy.

I would like to thank all of you for being patient, I can't believe I haven't updated in a month I am trying to keep things balanced but next week I have 1 week school break so hopefully I can do some writing then. Thank you again for being patient ❤️❤️

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