Chapter 2 The runaways

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Erin's P.O.V.

I woke up by the sound of a car. "Vroom! Vroom!" I open my eyes and feel the sun burn them. I squint and look around. That's right. I was alone in the bulding. I'm so tired and I don't feel good. But I force myself to get up. I slowly crawled out of the hole in the building.

I can feel the wind brush through my skin, I shivered. I can hear ghe taxi cabs beeping their horns. Before I knew it, I was in the streets of New York. I just didn't know which street.

I can hear my stomach grumbling; begging for food.

Right across the street I find a restaurant called "Shake Shack." I dig into my pockets and find 50 bucks. I sigh and wait for all the cars to pass by then I cautiously crossed the street.

~~~~~~~~~~Josh's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~

The cab stopped. I see all these people crossing the street. Man, that's a lot of people. But one girl caught my attention. She had on a red longsleeve shirt wih jeans paired up with boots. Her brown hair glistened through the sun as it was blown by the wind. She looked sad and dissapointed i noticed as she began to walk towards the Shake Shack. Something about her made me do this:

"Sir, can you please drop me off by that restaurant?" I pointed at the Shake Shack.

"Yes, Mr. Romel." He nodded. What am I doing?

**********Erin's P.O.V.**********

It's really hard to get through these people. Their nudging and pushing me. Wow, and people say ya gotta love New York. Finally, I manage to break through a clearing and I finally open the restaurant's door. I heard a clink sound, probably one of those wind chimes.

I head towards the counter/ cashier.

A woman approached me and said. "Hello ma'am. Are you ready to take you're order?" She smiled at me.

For some reason I gave her a nod. Somehow i felt as if someone was watching me. I slowly turn my head and find a boy with shaggy dirty blonde hair & green eyes. I held his gaze for a moment then I quickly looked away. Why is this guy staring at me? Do I have something on my butt? Gee, he must be a stalker.

"Excuse me ma'am? Are you alright? Not trying to rush you or anything but we have other customers in line." She smile kindly.

Damn it! I totally forgot. I got so distracted by that boy. "So sorry. This is all my fault." I paused and then said, "I would like to have a double chesseburger with fries and cookies & cream milk shake." I have been to this place before but only once with my mom. But now that she's gone I don't have anybody.

"Comin right up!" I watched the cashier press different buttons on the keyboard. I hope i have enough money to pay. It would be so embarassing if I wouldn't.

" You're total is $15.97." Phew, i sighed in relief. I dig into my pockets and get out a ten dollar bill, a five dollar bill, and 4 quarters. I gave it to her as I watched the reciept print.

"Here's you're change ma'am." She handed me 3 pennies. Great, what am I suppose to do with 3 pennies. "Please take a seat at table number 4." She pointed towards a corner.

"Okay. Thanks."

~~~~~~~~~~Josh's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~

I watched her as she walked over to a table by a corner. I'm feeling a little curious about her. She looked...alone, sad, and poor. Her red long sleeve shirt had dirt stains on it, her pants with ripped scratches-not really sure if it was part of the design- and her boots with a tiny peep hole in the side.

I still kept watching her. I noticed that she was drawing circles on the table with her finger. I decided to get up and go over to her table.

"Hey." I said as I put my hands in my pocket.

"Hi" She looked at me. My heart just stopped as if the world itself has stopped spinning. She had the most beautiful blue eyes. It twinkled through the lights reflection. Her skin was so pure, so white. Her lips were as red as blood. Her brown hair looked as silky as milk. Milk? Im so wierd.

Suddenly, I snap back into reality. "So....what's up?"

"Nothing really." She looked down and grabbed a menu on the table. I have a feeling that she wasn't comfortable because of me. But right now, I need to have someone by my side.

"Mind if I sit here?" I pointed at the chair in front of her.

She took a moment to think ad then finally she said. "Not at all." She gave me a warm smile.

"By the way, I'm Josh Romel."

~~~~~~~~~~Erin's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~

As soon as he introduced himself my eyes widened. Ive heard of him before. It took me a few minutes to realize that h was the son of internet millionare "Devin Romel". Woah, I just met a millionare and look at me. This is like the prince and the pauper.

"Oh my god. Isnt your dad Devin Romel?" I asked just to clarify.

He put his pointy finger up to his lip. "Ssshh. Keep it down, and yes I am." He gave me a big grin.

I didn't know what to say. "Wow." That was all that came out of my mouth.

"Dont think that I'm a spoiled or anything. I'm different. To tell you the truth." He paused and scratched his head. "I ran away from home."

What did he just say?!?!?! Did he just say he ran away from home? Pssh if I were him I'd live there for the rest of my life.

"You ran away from home?" I asked. But before he could answer the waitress cuts off our conversation. Really?

"Ms. Mala-tes-ta." She had trouble reading my last name. "Here's you're double cheesburger, french fries, and cookies and cream milkshake. Enjoy you're meal." She smiled at me and put a tray down with my meal.


For somereason Josh called the waitress. What is he doing?

"Excuse me ma'am. I'd like join in with this young lady." He said.

The lady came back to our table. "No problem." She made a huge grin. "It's a fine day to share breakfast with a special girl." She winked.

Oh my god. Did she just call me his girlfriend. I started to choke on my burger. I put my hand in my mouth and started coughing. I look at Josh and I can see that he was embarassed. His face flushed.

He took a quick look at the menu book. "Ummm..I would like to have a steak burger, a parfait, and coffee."He said softly.

"I'll be right back." The lady said and left....thank god.

Josh cleared his throat. "So, where were we?"

I repeated my question and wishpered. " ran away from home? Seriously?"

"Yes, I did." He said.

Without even realizing I then automatically said. "Me too." Well, at least we have something on common.

Who knew that the son of an internet millionare would run away from home and meet a poor girl like me. What a small world.

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