Chapter 3 Friends?

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~~~~~~~~~~Erin's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~

Me and Josh talked for awhile as we both ate our meals.

"Mmmmm. This burger is really good." I said as I chewed my burger. It was so delicious. I took a piece of my french fry and dipped it in ketchup. I'm so hungry, I haven't eaten in awhile ever since I ran away.

"Nice. This one is too." Josh said as he pointed at his steak burger.

"So......" I said, trying to swallow. "How long you've been here?" I didn't mean to sound all wierd but I had to ask. I'm pretty sure it's not normal for millionares to randomly go at a fast food restaurant.

"Only for a day." He scoffed on his burger. 

"Me too." I smiled at him. He's different. I thought millionares are all spoiled and bitchy.

We both kept eating our burgers for a few mintues. Then he said "Did you run away too?" I choked on my burger. Why would he ask that so suddenly? I didn't know what to say.

Should I tell him the real reason why I ran away? Why my parents died? I mean after he seems hones and trust worthy. "Well" I gulped here it goes. "Yesterday my parents died from a fire hazard at my house and I figured that since I don't have any family members in this country the police would send me to an orphanage. I am not going to live there and so I ran away." It's really hard for me to hold back these emotions and so tears started to surround my eyes. Just thinking about makes me feel about my life and myslef. I feel as if it was my fault that they died.

~~~~~~~~~~Josh's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~

I am so shocked by her story that I couldn't really think of anything to say but this. "Oh I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-"

She cut me right off. "It's fine." I look at her and I could see the sorrow in her eyes. Tears started to springing down her eyes. Did I make her cry? This is all my fault. I'm not really good with girls.

"Look, I'm really sorry." She wipes the tears off her eyes and sniffs. I feel really bad for bringing that up. I can't believe that her parents just died yesterday. At first, I thought that she ran away from home just like me and that she was mad at her parents but instead it was a whole new different story. 

"It's fine. Let's just talk about something else." She picks up her shake and take a big sip.

"Alright." I just want her to feel better. I want to come up with sometihng that can make her forget about what just happened.

"Let's get to know each other." I flash a charmign smile. 


"You go first." I paused. "What is you're favorite color?" 

"Purple." She smiled.

"Mine's orange." 

She laughs. "Omigod, I've never met a guy who's favorite color's orange. That's so cute." Was this a good thing? Did she just call me cute? Score! She thinks I'm cute.

"You're cute too." What the hell is wrong with me? Way to go to make things awkward, Josh.

Erin cleared her throat. "Um, thanks." 

I immediatley change the subject. "You're turn."

"Ummm.....what's the most embarassing thing that ever happened to you?" She picked up a fry and placed it on her mouth. Mine was when I was 7 and I fell of a swingset and everybody laughed at me because my skirt was up." 

We both laugh.

This question's a tough one. I was an embarassing kid. I always fooled around and ambarassed my family-even on tv. But I eventually thought of one.

"Okay. Mine was when I was like 9 or 10 me and my dad went to a haunted house for halloween and it scared me so much that I peed in my pants like crazy. My dad yelled at me on the way home." I don't why I;m telling her this but I feel like I can trust her.

She laughed hysterically and I joined in too. There was something that made me feel happy and comfortable. It's like she's the only one who uinderstands me.

Few minutes later after a game of "getting to kow each other" it was time for breakfast to be over. We both argued a little when it got to paying the meal but I won. :)

"Well, I better get going." She got up and threw her trash away and I did too. For some reason I didn't want her to go. "And thanks for the meal." 

 "No problem." We both head outside the shack. "It was nice meeting you." I stuck out my hand and we both shook hands.

"You too.....I'll see you around." She smiled shyly and walked off and I did too. We both head on seperate directions until sometihng hit me. 

"Erin!" I turned around and screamed her name. She looked back and stopped. 

"Yeah?" She screamed back at me. I didn't want everyone to hear our conversation so I ran over to her. It took me awhile to talk again since I had to take a breath. I put my hands on my knees.

Finally, I manage to get myself together. "Where are you going?" I didn't mean to sound like I'm stalking her. I just had to ask and I couldn't help it.

She bit her lip and looked up. "My place." Her place? What does that suppose to mean? She said she didn't have anybody to live with and she just practicalle told me that she just ran away yesterday. Even I haven't decided where I'm going to stay so I have a feeling that she was lying.

"Where's you're place?" I had to play police cop on her. I was so curious about her. 

"Somewhere over there." She pointed towards a building. Which one is she talking about? The old building that used to be a factory?

"Are you talking about that empty building over there?" I feel really bad for saying that.

She lookes down and makes a dissapointed expression. She sighes and says"Yeah."

"But I'm fine with it." She says softly. 

"No your not, I can see it in your eyes." This idea just came to my mind I just blurted it out without  even thinking about it. "You should come with me and stay with me." What am I crazy? I'm asking this poor girl who I barely even know to stay with me?!!?!

She lookes up and her eyes widen. She probably thinks I'm a stalker and wierdo. "I can't. I just can't. I mean, I barely know you. It's not that I don't trust you or anything It's just that-"

I have to cut her off. "Aren't we friends though?" I ask. I hope we are. "Don't you trust me?" I hope she remembers that I'm not like any of those bratty rich kids.

She lookes at me and says "Of course but still-"

"Then come with me." 

I cut her off again I just wanted her to come with me. I'm in need of a friend and she might help me find out who I really am and what I want to be. She's like the only person who gets me. Not my mom or dad or any other family member-it's her!

I already lost alomost everything and I definitley do not want to lose her eventhough I just met her.

She thought about it for awhile and finally she said "Alright." A big grin appeared on my face. 

"Great! So are we friends?" 

She gave me the most beautiful smile ever. "Definitley." WIthout even thinking I take her hand and we both end up on the most fanciest hotel in New York City. Paradase Hills Hotel.

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