Chapter 11

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The next few days, Daisy and Alice tried and tried to approach Mary to apologize for what they said. Mary though, avoided them all day and kept to herself.

Mary had never walked around Hogwarts without Lily and Marlene walk beside her before. But it felt strangely good, she felt freer. She didn't need to follow Lily and Marlene around, and she could do whatever pleases her.

Walking back to Gryffindor Tower, she bumped into someone.

"Oof." She looked up and looked into the hazel eyes of Remus Lupin when he caught her.

"Thanks," She muttered. Lupin merely nodded at her and walked away. She sighed. When she was friends with Lily, she had made an oath, and she swore that she would never date anyone that was friends or family with James. Come to think of that, it was a very stupid oath. She liked Remus a lot, but he hated her now, due to the fact that she had said a lot of bad things about him.

If only she could change all of this.

Suddenly, in the corner of her eye, she saw Daisy and Alice running towards her. She sighed and quickly left. After she overheard their conversation with Lily, she was very sad. After that Hogsmeade trip, she really thought they were her friends. Mary appreciated the fact that they stood up to Lily and defended Mary, but she still couldn't let herself forgive them. Mary now chose her friends very carefully, trying not to make another mistake. But Mary could also understand that Daisy and Alice said bad things about her, she had hated them for the past four years.

"Mary!" Alice tried to halt her, but she already left. Daisy and Alice shared a look and sighed with defeat.

If only she could change all of this.

Lily wandered around the castle all alone. After her fallout with Marlene, she counted on Mary. She knew Mary would choose her. She knewMary would choose her. She knew she was better than Marlene.

But she was wrong. Mary didn't choose her. Nor did she choose Marlene. She chose herself.

Lily found out that she had no more friends. It used to be Mary, Marlene and her, but now, she was all alone. Lily always thought that she was very popular throughout the whole student body, but she had no friends. She tried approaching a third year Ravenclaw girl, but she just walked away.

Lily missed Mary. But she had a feeling Mary wasn't coming back. Lily had messed that up.

Only one person in Hogwarts was still paying attention to her. It was James Potter. Of course.

That morning, she had walked downstairs for breakfast, and sat alone, eating some toast. She had received a letter. Thinking it was from her parents since they were the only ones that sent her letters, she quickly tore it apart. In the corner of her eye, she saw that Daisy didn't receive anything, which made her silently sniggered.

The letter wasn't from her parents though, it burst apart, and three big pink heart balloons floated up, and hovering above were the words "Lily-pad, go out with me?"

James grinned broadly, and the whole hall cheered, but Lily just groaned with frustration. When was James going to realize that she was never going to say yes? She absolutely loathed the marauders, and especially James. She would rather go out with Peter than James.

"No!" She roared and stormed out.

"Well..that was unexpected," Sirius muttered to Remus.

It wasn't unexpected.

Marlene was feeling weird. Without Lily and Mary, she didn't know what to do. Lily had always helped her with her homework, and Mary was always sweet and nice to Marlene. Marlene was very pretty, and had a lot of friends around the school, especially males, so she wasn't alone.

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