Chapter 12

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Exams were coming up. Daisy was preparing very quickly, and she, Alice and their new friend, Mary, was always found studying together.

That day, they were practicing summoning charms.

"Accio!" Mary yelled.

Nothing happened to the cushion that Daisy was holding.

"More force!" Alice said.

"Accio!" Mary said, this time with more power.

Still, nothing happened.

Mary groaned and sat down.

"Aw, come on Mary. Don't give up. I know that you can do it," Daisy said brightly.

Mary stood up again.

This time, she was determined to get it.

"Accio cushion!" she said with full force.

The cushion came flying and Mary caught it.

She pumped her fist victoriously and let Alice try. Alice had to try a couple of times to get, but nonetheless, she was successful.

Then Daisy went. She got it on the first try, earning a smile from each of her friends.

"Phew, that took a while," Alice said.

"You know, it's more fun being with you guys than Marlene and Lily," Mary said softly.

Daisy beamed.

"Thanks," Daisy and Alice said at the same time.

"Call it a night?" Daisy asked.

"Sure," Mary said. Alice nodded and fell back on her bed.

Meanwhile, Lily was looking at them longingly.

In her mind, she was really angry at Daisy and Alice for stealing her friend. She had to get them back.

But how?

With who? I can't do this alone.

Lily's eyes fixated on another dorm member.

It was time to talk to Marlene.

"Marlene!" She called out to her former best friend. Marlene stopped walking and slowly turned around. When she saw who was talking, she turned around again and tried to leave. Lily sighed and grabbed her hand.

"I need to talk to you, Marlene." Lily pleaded. Marlene was one of the most stubborn people Lily knew, and she was still angry about the fight.

"Leave me alone, Evans." Marlene spat and left. Lily sighed.

"So it's Evans now, isn't it." She said, glaring. Marlene nodded.

"Marlene, I'm your best friend- Lily started.

"No! You're not. You destroyed our friendship already." Marlene glared daggers at Lily.

"I miss you Marlene." Lily said. Marlene froze. Even though they fought, but Lily, Marlene and Mary were very close. The three of them have been best friends since first year, and even though she didn't want to admit it, Marlene missed Lily too.

"And I know you miss Mary too." Lily said quickly. Marlene slowly nodded.

"So, I want you to help me get Mary back. The three of us can reunite." Lily said. Marlene thought about it.

"Please, I can't do this without you." Lily pleaded. Marlene was the schemer in the group. Marlene thought about it, but she eventually gave in.

"Fine, truce...for now." She said. Lily beamed and grabbed her hand.

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