Chapter 22

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Skip to Summer of Year 6:

The pair of twins officially hated each other. Not that they loved each other before, but there was a part of Daisy that still loved Lily. She still loved her and forgave her and desired for them both to get along. But after what had happened in the weeks before school had let out had really changed Daisy's outlook on Lily. It was nearly impossible to forgive her again.

Daisy was a naturally kind person. She was kind to people who made an effort to be nice. Lily didn't make a shred of effort. She believed in second chances. Lily had had many second chances from Daisy. Daisy believed in talking problems out and coming up with a solution. She had tried that with Lily, but it never seemed to work. There was no other choice. Daisy resorted to hate. It was unheardof.

Daisy sat in her room contemplating whether to read or finish her Charms homework for the summer when an owl zoomed in. She immediately recognized it as Mary's Snowy owl, Pixie.

Dear Daisy,

How is your summer and the Lily situation going? Mine's boring so far, but I'm looking forward to the Quidditch World Cup in three weeks! Speaking of the cup, are you going? I hope we can go together! I already owled Alice and she said that she can go. I'm owling you on her behalf too. Please reply as soon as possible!

Your Best Friend, Mary

(P.S. Pixie loves the color red, she'll probably be nuzzling your hair <3)

Daisy pet Pixie who was indeed nuzzling her hair.

"Aren't you a darling," she murmured to the Snowy owl.

The owl hooted in reply and watched as she wrote a quick reply to Mary.

Dear Mary,

Lily and I haven't talked at all. I'm trying not to hate her, but she always shoots me hateful glances when she thinks I'm not looking. So there's really no other choice but to hate her. Also, THE QUIDDITCH WORLD CUP'S THIS YEAR?!?!?! (And yes, I am quite literally screeching) I HAD NO IDEA! Well, I'll have to ask my parents, I guess, although no one but Tuney really cares where I go.

Anyways, I'll give you a reply as soon as I can, because Petunia's a counselor at a muggle summer camp right now and she'll be back in the evening.

With all love, Daisy

(P.S. Pixie's so sweet ^_^)

With that, she sent Pixie off and settled down to read.

About thirty minutes later, Pixie returned with yet another letter.

Dear Daisy,

I totally agree with you on the Lily situation. It's really difficult to deal with someone being like that, and I'm really thankful to you for accepting me even after I was so mean to you. Ask Petunia as soon as you can, and I'm eager for your reply! Also, you can keep Pixie until you're ready to send your reply.


Daisy stroked Pixie as she stored the letter in her top drawer.

"You must be hungry. Do you want to go out and catch something?" Daisy asked.

Pixie hooted and flew out the open window to catch some mice from the garden. A few minutes later, the front door opened with a squeak.

Daisy ran downstairs and flung herself onto Petunia.

"Sheesh, it's been literally what, seven hours?" Petunia asked shaking Daisy off.

"I still missed you," Daisy said.

Just then Pixie flew in through the kitchen window.

"What's that thing doing here?" Petuning shrieked, trying to flatten Pixie with a mixing spoon.

Pixie looked hurt.

"Tuney, you know very well that magical animals can understand what we say," Daisy said, supporting the owl. "Also, she's my friend's but she's letting me borrow her for today."

"Oh," Petunia said, still looking hesitant to invite Pixie in.

"Aw, come on Tuney, she'll stay in my room, ok?" Daisy said.

"Ok, fine," Petunia said, a smile threatening to creep on her tired face.

Pixie flew to Daisy's room, enjoying the mouse that she had caught.

"So. I have to talk to you about something," Daisy said.

"If it's Lily, then don't bother," Petunia said.

"No, it's not, don't worry. Let me go grab something," Daisy said going to her room and getting Mary's letter.

She thrust the letter into Petunia's hand.

"Read it," she commanded.

Petunia read it with a very amused look on her face.

"Quidditch World Cup? What the bloody hell is that?" Petunia asked. Daisy rolled her eyes at her sister.

"It's a magical sport, famous just like cricket around here. The finals are happening, and countries all around the world are meeting at a stadium to watch. It's supposed to be really fun, and I've never been to one," Daisy said.

"Well, as long as you're not staying with any teenageboys, and either Alice or Mary bring a parent along, I suppose it's fine," Petunia said reading over the letter again.

"Yay! Thank you so much Tuney! I'm going to write to Mary immediately!" she squealed, running to her room.

Lily was watching from the bottom of the stairs. As Daisy passed she glared at her and made her way into the living room, sitting at the kitchen table. Her hair was messy and there were dark bags under her eyes. She looked like she had not slept in weeks.

She sat and peeled open an orange and began eating it.

Seeing this, Petunia walked past her and went upstairs to relax for a bit. Lily was of no concern to her. She was already a freak, and now she was also treating Daisy, her favorite sister, like trash. She didn't need to associate with such a person.

"Done!" Daisy called from her room.

"Okay, now send it off," Petunia replied.

"Great," Daisy said. Petunia heard the faint hooting of an owl and the whoosh of the owl's wings as it took off.

Daisy knocked on Petunia's door.

"Let's play cards," she said as Petunia opened the door, holding out a stack.

"Sure, I have nothing else to do," Petunia said shrugging, inviting her in. The sisters sat on the floor together, looking at peace and loving each other just like sisters are supposed to.

"Stay safe," Petunia warned.

"Oh, stop worrying for no reason, everything will be fine," Daisy said.

"I assure you that Daisy will be perfectly safe," Mary's mother, Grace, said smiling.

"Thank you, Mrs. McDonald," Petunia said addressing the older woman.

With one last wave, Daisy threw in Floo powder and stepped into the green fire saying "McDonald Mansion".

"Thank goodness she's gone," Lily said.

"You're one to talk. Don't you realize that she still loved you and you spoiled it all?" Petunia spat.

Lily seethed with rage and stomped away, unable to come up with a retort.

At least Daisy was okay and still having fun despite the problems occurring at home.

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