Chapter 23

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The Quidditch World Cup was amazing. It was heaven. It was great. It was fantastic. No words could explain how majestic it was.

One thing that Daisy loved dearly in the world was quidditch. It was a great sport and she adored it. This time, it was Ireland playing Bulgaria and Daisy of course was supporting Ireland. She had never seen quidditch live though, so she was definitely looking forward to the game. They were currently in the McDonalds tent sipping tea and just having fun.

"Do you know when Alice is going to arrive?" Daisy asked Mary. Mary nodded.

"She already arrived. Her family's tent is on the other side, and she's probably sucking face with Frank right now." Mary said with a straight face which made Daisy and Mary start to laugh.

"Let's go say hi to her." Daisy said. Mary nodded and they took a walk over to Mary's tent. All around the camp, Daisy saw a lot of her friends at Hogwarts.

Fin Wood, the Gryffindor Keeper was cooking something in his tent and he smiled brightly at Daisy.

"Mum, that's Daisy, our Seeker. She's brilliant." Fin said, introducing his mother to her.

"And this is Mary. Also Gryffindor." Fin said, beaming. Her mother smiled at the two girls then went back to work. After they left the tent, Mary whispered something to her that made Daisy blush madly.

"It's true, Fin has a massive crush on you, actually a lot of boys have crushes on you." Mary said, grinning at her friend. Daisy rolled her eyes.

"Shut up." She said. After fourth year, it was correct that Daisy's popularity had gained a lot, more than her sister, while her sisters popularity had started to get lower. But Daisy didn't know that boys liked her, the two boys that Daisy thought had actually liked her before was Remus and Sirius.

"It's true..." Mary said, laughing. They got to Alice's tent and saw that the Forrester's camp and the Longbottom's camp were beside each other. The couple were sitting on a log, whispering to each other, laughing and kissing. A lot of kissing. Mary and Daisy shared a glance.

"I told you so." Mary said, grinning at the scene.

"You think we should interrupt them?" Daisy asked.

"Nah." The two girls said together and decided to head back to their own camp. Walking back, they saw a huge fancy tent near the clearing.

"That's the Potter's tent, James's family is really rich." Mary said. Daisy nodded. Just then, two teenage boys ran out to play.

James Potter and Sirius Black.

"Sirius lives with them?" Daisy asked Mary. Suddenly, Sirius was behind the two girls.

"Yup! I ran away from my parents last year." Sirius said, grinning goofily at them. Even though the two broke up, they were still great friends, and Sirius was still Sirius.

"Hey Mary, hey Daisy." James waved at them from beside.

James scratched his head awkwardly. James relationship with the girls were awkward. Unlike Sirius, Remus and Peter, he wasn't really friends with them, more like acquaintances. It was mostly because of Lily. James knew that Lily and Daisy had a bad relationship, so James didn't want to offend Lily by befriending Daisy.The truth was, Daisy was a really cool girl, and so was Mary and Alice.

"Excited for the game?" Daisy asked, smiling brightly. James nodded enthusiastically. The one thing Daisy and James shared and loved was quidditch. The two loved to play the game and both were really good at it.

"Are you guys supporting Ireland?" Sirius asked. Mary nodded.

"Bulgaria sucks." James scoffed.

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