Chapter 20

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"Oh my god, Sirius Black and Daisy Evans make such a cute couple!" Mary mimicked.

"Urghhh! Daisy Black and Sirius Black look so bad together!" Alice mimicked.

"You have no idea how many people are talking about you two," Peter said, he was nearby playing chess with Remus while the girls were doing homework.

"Yeah, apparently you two are now the IT couple," Remus said nodding. Daisy rolled her eyes.

"I seriously don't care about what people think of us. And I thought Alice and Frank were the IT couple." Daisy said. Alice blushed.

"We aren't anymore and I'm glad the attention is off us," Alice said. Daisy just frowned.

"Hey." A deep raspy voice said behind her. Daisy turned back and saw Sirius. She smiled and hugged him.

"Hey, Sirius." He pulled her in for a kiss, while their friends gagged. James, who just came in, frowned at the sight. He seemed to be the only one who didn't really support the relationship.

"I'm outta here." He muttered and left.

"You totally ruined the moment, James," Alice called back. He just waved his arms and shrugged.

"Well he's grumpy," Peter commented.

"No PDA please," Mary said, looking at the couple. They laughed.

"Mary, it's time you get a boyfriend," Daisy said, her eyes flickering to Remus who just looked down. Mary raised her eyebrows.

"I never thought that you'd be the one who'd play matchmaker," Mary said blushing.

"Hmm. Maybe I will, just this once," Daisy said thoughtfully.

Mary blushed even more furiously and looked away.

A few weeks had passed. Daisy needed these few weeks to make sure Mary completely forgot that she was trying to set her up on a blind date.

Now's the time, Daisy thought to herself, early in the morning. She got out her parchment and ink, looked around to make sure no one was awake yet. No one was. Good.

Dear Mary,

Would you like to go on a blind date with a boy of my choosing? If so, can you meet this boy (who I think is your soulmate, by the way) this weekend (Hogsmeade weekend) at the Three Broomsticks at 10:00?

Thank you!

Daisy <3

She quickly wrote another one for Remus, making it Dear Remus, and making it girl instead.

At last, she set off to the owlery. As she walked through the school thinking about how she was going to set this up.

Suddenly she bumped into someone. A very serious someone.

"Sirius! What are you doing here so early in the morning?" Daisy asked.

"I could ask you the same," Sirius said flirtatiously winking.

"Ah, no need to flirt with me," Daisy said grinning at his attempt.

Sirius frowned then put his arm around her waist.

"Let's go wherever you're going together," he said.

"Ok. Why not?" Daisy said.

"So. Where are you going?" Sirius asked.

"Does it matter? Let's just take a walk and then we'll go where I need to," Daisy said.

They walked together hand in hand for what felt like seconds. Hours had actually passed, and the had just reached the owlery after exploring almost the whole school and narrowly escaping Peeves, Filch, and Mrs. Norris.

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