Chapter 40

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James ran away. He just left, after he kissed Daisy. James felt like a total fool. How could he just kiss her like that.

I felt like kissing her.

Yeah, you fool. Now she probably hates you.

James had never felt more embarrassed. Since first grade, James had been pranking people and getting into detention. He thought of various ways to ask out Lily Evans, and he had thought of cheesy pick up lines, etcetera etcetera. He had always said yes to all kinds of dares, but never in his life had he been so daring.

He kissed Daisy Evans.

I'm so dead.

James was in love with Daisy Evans. He had been thinking about it for ages. Ever since he broke up with his twin, Lily had been giving him hints about Daisy. She kept telling him to make a move, but he always thought that Daisy was still in love with Sirius. Then again, Daisy probably never loved Sirius. James always thought that Daisy had someone in mind, but he didn't know who.

Now I ruined everything.

Daisy almost fainted. She had no idea what just happened.

James Potter kissed her.


James Potter kissed me.


Daisy was certain that James had gone crazy. It was crazy. It made no sense. Why would James kiss her? The kiss was almost magical, it was incredible. She felt like she was on cloud nine. Daisy had never been kissed like it before. When Sirius kissed her, he was more fast and rough, not that he was a bad kisser, but Daisy preferred James. He was soft and gentle, slower. It was amazing until James ran away.

What a coward!

Tomorrow's the next task!

What are we going to do?

He ruined everything like always!

He's so dead!

James didn't come down to breakfast and Sirius and Daisy were getting worried. It was very late, and they couldn't eat anything. They just needed to see James. Daisy was so worried, but she hadn't told Sirius what happened yet.

"James...." Daisy whispered. She really hoped he wasn't too embarrassed from what happened last night. To be honest, she was still confused and dazed by what happened.

"So..." Sirius raised his eyebrows. He had been friends with James Potter since always, and Sirius could even read his mind sometimes. Sirius had a clue why James was gone...defiantly something about Daisy...

"What?" Daisy asked absentmindedly.

"So...James kissed you?" Sirius just guessed randomly. He wasn't sure if James actually had the nerve to kiss Daisy. James was so in love with Daisy, he was probably blind. Daisy jerked her head up and stared at Sirius in horror.

"Wait, he actually kissed you! Oh my gods!" Sirius said, grinning widely. His ship has sailed! After months of trying to pair them together, James finally made his move!

But, he's a jerk. James just had to kiss her before the last task, now everything is ruined by him!

James is so dead!

James appeared by the quidditch pitch. He looked tired, like he hadn't slept for days.

"James. You jerk! We were so worried!" Sirius glared and punched him by the side. James winced but didn't say anything.

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