Chapter 32

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It was James birthday.

He was trowing a massive party in the Gryffindor common room that night, and he wanted to make sure everybody would be there. He invited all the houses, well of course except Slytherin, and he asked his friends to set things up.

Peter would go get the food from the kitchens, Sirius would help with the decorations and Remus would do what he did best, which was keeping them all together.

Apart from his eighteenth birthday, which was the most important thing that would ever happen to him, James was also starting to work on the second task. It was still awhile away, but James didn't want to get knocked over again, and they really needed to start on the jewels, but every time he said something about it, Sirius would brush him off and Daisy would just ignore him.

Weird, really.

"Everything done, Remus?" He ran up to his friends.

"Yup, just about finished." Remus said, giving him the thumbs up.

"Hey, can you help me with something else?" James asked. Remus nodded.

"What am I here for?" Remus asked, giving James a toothy grin.

"What present should I give Lily?" James asked. Remus just looked at him weirdly and Sirius, who was listening from behind burst out with laughter.

"I think you got it wrong mate, it's your birthday, not hers." Sirius said. James frowned.

"I know its my birthday, but like, I thought it would be cool to just send Lily some stuff or something." James said.

"Just send her some flowers or something." Remus said absentmindedly. James nodded and gave it a mental. That afternoon, he prepared some flowers and a card and asked a first year to put them on Lily's bed.

Daisy had just returned from potions class. Tonight was James birthday and he had made her promise she would be there. She knew that everyone was worried about her, the way she behaved these days.

Daisy was a complete wreck. Really.

Daisy had stopped being the Daisy she used to be. She was really quiet and stopped talking. She just wanted to be with herself all the time, and everybody was worried about her.

It wasn't about James anymore. It never was. It was about her. Herself. She hate herself for having feelings for James. Why would anyone like their own twin sister's boyfriend? That was just wrong. Lily was right in the broom cupboard, James would never be hers, so she should better stop dreaming.

Daisy head back to the dormitory and lay down on her bed, but when her head hit her pillow, it hit something else instead.

It was a bouquet of flowers, beautiful flowers, they were daisies, her personal favorite. Daisies symbolize innocence and purity. They were really nice. The color was definitely her style, white petals and blue in the inside. Daisy, the person, grinned.

But who would send them to her?

Daisy then peered inside and saw that there was a card. She ginelrgly picked it up and opened it. There was no writing but picture, drew in a red marker, there was a cute red heart.

"Aww...." Daisy grinned. Daisy hadn't smiled in a long time. She had been down for so long, she forgot the feeling of feeling happy. Getting this made her feel a lot better. But who would give her such a thing. A secret admirer? Did Daisy even have a secret admirer?

Just then, she heard to girls come in, talking in hushed tones. She ignored them and took the flowers out, putting them in a vase, and putting the card under her bed. Just then, she felt the voices she recognized as Lily and Marlene, they stopped talking.

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