►What To Watch!►

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►What To Watch!►


You want to watch something?

And it's Thanksgiving.


There really isn't a lot, but let's see here . . . Actually, let's go completely off topic.

Actually, let's go completely random.

Very random.

Something that got taken from a web comic . . .

That one fandom that is feared all across the wide world of Tumblr.

You got it right!


Ranking : (of randomness) 5 out of 5

What's This About: Basically, it's a retelling of World War Two for the for couple of seasons. The countries have personas as actually people. They are also very sterotypical. As in, they based the school on sterotypes. Don't even bring it up. After that, it's basically just a ball of randomness that is just . . . random. O.e

Animation: It's to be expected, but at first, it's a bit old, but of course, you got the moves in animation later on.

Story: There's absoutely no story to this. Just plain old five minute episodes. Yup, you heard it yourself. Five minute episodes. It's to be expected considering this is actually based off a web comic, which you all know are short.

Characters: The main characters are mainly the Axis Powers and the Alliance; Germany, Italy, and Japan, and America, France, China, England, and France. (Russia seems to get a lot of face time too.) As the series continues, there really isn't many focuses on the characters with the introduction of other contries and different, special AU episodes.

Dubbed: Yup! Up until the sixth series, I believe, but you have to buy those because Funanimation. .-. Rude, but true. So up until then, you have to deal with the dubbed voices. And trust me, the first couple of subbed episodes made me cringe. Surprising? Not really. Unfortunately, this time around, the dubbed episodes take the cake with the voice-acting. They sometimes change the meanings of the words . . . and they're oh-so-much better.

Categories: Historical Events, Comedy, Romance, Cross-Dressing, Randomness, etc.

Fandom: Absoutely wonderful. Yup. The whole entire of Tumblr is terffied of them. Yup. Wonderful. The can turn every single post into a completely Hetalian-related one, no joke. But trust me on this; the fandom is pretty cool. I give them a complete 10. There are some ship battles, because a lot of couples in the series which are like . . . have those actions and stuff together, but they're not canon. So you understand right?

That's all the time I have for today!


Otaku Magazine ISSUE #9 November 2014Where stories live. Discover now