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It had been three months since Lexi had gone back to New York. Sam was missing her like mad but he knew it was his own fault. He had driven her away and now he was paying for it.

When morning came, Sam woke in bed alone. He wouldn't let anyone near Lexi's side of the bed. To him, it would always be her side.

Sam left the bedroom and saw Hannah. Hannah sighed. "Have you spoke to Lexi at all? You need her back dad, she was good and she loved you."

"I know. But there's nothing I can do. She won't answer my calls or reply to the texts I've sent her," Sam said.

Lexi stood outside the ED. She took a deep breath and sighed. She had been offered a job there and she didn't know how she felt about it.

At the time, when she got offered it, she accepted it right away. But as she thought about it, she couldn't believe she had agreed to return to the place where she had her heart broken.

Lexi walked inside and made her way over to the desk. "Lexi Taylor. I'm here to see Connie Beauchamp."

"You're Sam's ex-girlfriend!"

Lexi rolled her eyes and looked at him. "Maybe I am. But I want to see Mrs Beauchamp."

Connie looked up as Lexi was brought into the office. She smiled. "Welcome back. How are you?" Connie asked.

"I'm fine thank you. Can't believe I actually agreed to come back," Lexi mumbled. She looked around. "How's Sam?"

Connie smiled and nodded. "He's okay. It's clear he's missing you. But I think he will be happy to see you again. If he ever leaves his office."


Hannah looked up as Lexi walked towards her. She walked over and hugged her. "My dad has missed you. We all have," Hannah said.

Lexi smiled. "I've missed you too. How's bump?" She asked.

"Baking away. We've really missed you Lex. My dad more than anyone. He won't let anyone touch your side of the bed. He hasn't even thought about finding someone else," Hannah told her.

Lexi nodded and sighed. "I think it's best I see him. Is he in the office?"


Sam was sitting in his office. He was looking at the photo of him and Lexi he had. The door knocked and Lexi walked in. Sam didn't know how to feel. She looked different.

Lexi smiled. "Hello Sam. How are you?" She asked.

Sam smiled and shrugged. "I've been better. I've missed you though."

Lexi nodded and sat opposite him. "I missed you too. I got offered a job. Here. Hence why I'm here," she told him.

"Good. I can see your beautiful face everyday."

Lexi rolled her eyes but smiled. She stood up. "Better get down to work because I have to pay for this bloody hotel," she said.

Sam frowned. "You know you always have a place in my bed. I love you still."

Lexi looked at him and smiled. Could she risk getting her heart broken again?

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