Earlier at the MPU meeting room."Im telling you chairman it was a guardian!". Said the lady who lacie called earlier.
A red eyed middle aged man sighed.
"If its really a guardian why is it in earth? I thought they only leave the planet for missions?". The man replied.
"That's what im trying to say a girl was in his room not just any ordinary girl i feel it". Said the lady.
"Ok lets just be very careful if what you're saying is true then lacie is in danger". The man in a worried face.
"Don't worry i already have someone protecting that geek". The lady said.
"You still call him geek? I told you. You gotta call him son or he'll definitely forget about it". The man snickered.
"Don't get emotional with me james". The lady smiled.
"Haha you call your boss with his first name?. You ms. Alice Adenum will have a raise". They both laughed.
"Don't worry about lacie too much i got his back". She said in a serious tone.
"Im counting on you alice". Said the man watching alice go out of the meeting room.
The man with red eyes reached for his cellphone. He opened it and stared at the wallpaper of his phone.
It was a family picture. Lacie was in the middle of two people he was 7 years old at the picture his smile stretched out. Alice was on the left she was 27 years old she was laughing in the picture and was hugging lacie. Then he was there at the picture he was on the right side he was 28 years old. He was laughing with alice hugging both of them in the picture. It was a happy family picture. The red eyed man smiled.
"It was a very happy day".
"So james did you miss those times with your family so happy together?". A voice appeared at james's head.
"Another zodiac is in earth care to tell me what the spirits are trying to do?". James replied.
Suddenly out of the corner a dark figure appeared. Yellow pointy eyes was the only thing visible.
"I've already heard about it. Belze that psycho rabbit is on a mission. I've only heard that one of the wisps came back at EDEN and say that a guardian was on earth. then i made some investigation. Seems like the spirit king was planning on something and that belze is an accomplice". Channeled by the dark figure.
James had a bad feeling about the rabbit's appearance but he didn't expect that the spirit king was the one behind it.
"Do you think they're after the GENOMES?". James said in a very worried voice.
"I still don't know about that yet. But if they do .all will be lost". The dark figure closed its eyes like it was praying.
"Can't you at least help us out about that rabbit?". Said james.
"You already know that i am loyal to mankind but i am too a zodiac and i know belze more than you do. That psycho rabbit can kill an army of wisps with in seconds. But don't be afraid i am not alone on making peace to our universe. Other zodiacs agreed that we ally with humans". The dark figure channeled to james's mind.
"Then what am i supposed to do with the rabbit?". James asked the dark figure.
" just let her be james you already know that we are only observing if we took a step then its all over for us.". Said the dark figure.
James let out a big sigh.
"i get it ok. Oh What about the battle with the galaxy innovators? did it go as i planned it to be?". James asked.
"It was as you've said. the wisps are very angry because your innovators are very powerful one of them even defeated 3 wisps in a row. But as you've said the humans all over the universe will all know what your government is hiding. That there is an on going battle between two different race. And is on the verge of war." said the dark figure.
"Don't worry about that my friend. once the GENOMES are found all of this can be solved". Said james.
"I hope your right james i hope your right". The dark figure suddenly disappeared.
The man opened his phone again and stared at his family picture again. The man smiled again.
"Oh i forgot to tell him about the girl". Said james.
At the science department room 5409...
"Are you damn sure about this Adenum?!" A students voice shouting at the other line of lacie's ear communicator.
"Your damn right. Im sure about this". Lacie replied.
"Ahhh shit's about to get real now!". Robert replied at the other line.
"Hahaha trust me on this". Lacie replied to robert.
At the white tall tower.
Belze was sniffing jane's hands. Jane was watching the battle for an hour now.
"Mr. Lacie adenum you are one hell of a scary enemy". Said the professor watching the battle at the fiber tech.
Hey guys! Sorry for the rough details trying my best to make it understandable ^^.

Thousand Year Dagger - Islands Of Olympus
FantasyThe year was 2120. in a new man made island near the pacific. a city called madness and galaxy island. On that island lived a teenager who was going nowhere with his life. Lacie Adenum was a very unlucky guy every where he goes bad things always hap...