ISLAND JUMP chapter - 19

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Lacie covered his eyes because of a unison of yellow and white light erupted at the horizon on his left side.

He knew the white and yellow light was belze's psych wavelength. Powerful waves of wind blown him off balance, lacie firmed his feet mid air trying to fight the wind.

"Aahhhhh!! -".

Lacie opened his eyes at the sound of a screaming girl. His eyes widened, mouth half open. A big shadow suddenly blocked the moon's illuminating light. A tsunami at the height of 500 feet moved towards lacie. Shocked by the unbelievable wall of water he pulled himself together, he was about to release his wavelength to escape the rouge wave.


Lacie turned his head towards were the shout was coming from. He saw gemie at the mouth of the monstrous tidal wave. He quickly bolted towards the huge tsunami, he for reached gemie's hand.

"GET ME OUT!-" Gemie shouted.

He grabbed gemie's hand while trying to move along with the tsunami but to his surprise he was now caught inside the monstrous wave. Lacie didn't think twice, he stomped his foot releasing all the wavelength he can muster up.


both of them escaped through the tsunami, breaking its form lacie hovered while holding gemie's right hand. He then felt gemie's full weight, lacie looked down to see what's going on. Then suddenly he noticed gemie's cleavage, she was soaking wet it made her dress so fit to her.

"Shit aaaaahhhh! - W-what are you looking at?-". Said gemie noticing lacie's eyes staring at her perfectly rounded treasures.

Lacie then noticed gemie's left arm, it was wounded deep.

He quickly pulled himself back to reality then pulled her up into his arms then carried her like a bride.

"Put me down! I can tak- ". She twitched at the pain on her arm.

"Stop complaining and tell me What happened?-". Lacie quickly bolted his feet to go back to the island where he left jane.

"Aaaiiissshh! -" . Gemie closed her eyes trying to hold the pain in her arm.

Lacie was getting anxious from gemie's pain. After a few seconds a campfire lighted at the small island. Jane sat near the campfire her hands stretched at the campfire.

He quickly bolted his feet then slowly hovered to land.

"Father! I saw a light!-" jane paused.

" What happened to her?!". Jane quickly ran across to the shoreline.

Lacie teared a clothing on his black uniform. He wrapped it at gemie's deep wound, gemie kicked from the pain coming from her arm.

"Aaaahhhhh!!!-". Gemie holded jane's hand, she tightened her grip everytime she felt millions of sting on her arm.

Lacie made a knot then tried to calm her down. He watched how gemie pulled back and forward from the pain.

"Y-you aahhhh!!! N-need to go aahhhh! A-and hel-". Gemie almost finished her sentence but was cutted off by a painful sting on her arm.

Lacie stood up then faced jane who was anxious on seeing gemie's painful expression.

"I want you to stay behind here-".

"AAAHHHHH!!!-" Gemie screamed.

Jane holded gemie down with all of her strength.

"But father what about gemie?! We need to quickly treat her wound!-". Said jane while holding down gemie.

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