Lacie kept himself together. The smoke coming out of his arms formed a black human figure.
"One of the genomes researchers vowed to unfold the fountains mysteries-". Said the old man.
Lacie then felt chills behind his back. He then noticed the dark figure formed a face.
He felt confused by what was happening.
"-the genomes researcher's name was 'EZEUS' -".
Lacie's mouth was moving but no words coming out. He can almost feel the old man smiling inside of him.
"Hohoho does this bring back memories?-". His arms kept voicing out.
"I-I don't understand.. what are you talking about?-".
The smoke then finished its form. he was looking at an identical figure of himself. Then he noticed the smoke figure of himself holding a vile.
"W-what's going on? Why does it look like me?!-". Lacie tried walk back.
"Hohohoho. Well first let me finish my story?-".
"Hoho. Now where was I?-.. oh yes the genomes researcher tried everything to figure out on what was the waters fountain made of. He tried mixing it with other elements of there planet but the only thing it did was change its colors to black and white. The other researchers then gave up on experimenting on the mysterious fountain, because the only thing it did was change everything to color white or black-"
"- almost a decade passed but the fountain still remained. people didn't care about the fountain anymore and just made it a monument. The proud genomes then made a rule about the fountain, to never drink nor touch its water. The powetful civilization had a golden rule about experimenting. They will never experiment the water of the fountain on life forms-".
"- Discipline was absolute on the planet. So they closed the research facilities to stop any experiments of the water from happening. But one was not yet over from researching the fountain.-".
"Ezeus didn't stop did he?-". Lacie stared at his smoke form.
"- hoho yes your right. Do you know what is the reason why he continued?-". The alien mixed voice asked.
"Power?-". Lacie answered.
"Hohoho correct. Despite the water changes the colors of things. It also holds unknown power-".
"-power that is immeasurable. Everytime the water was experimented on, the element that they have mixed together with the water changed colors but also lets out a surge of power-".
"- Ezeus tried to harness the unknown energy coming out of the experiments but it was no use. Once the element and the water was mixed together it cannot be undone despite the advance tools they have".
"So the only thing that was not yet tested was to test the water to a living organism.-"
"So he continued then tried to experinent it on living things?".
"Hoho yes. Despite the genomes golden rule, he continued his work. First he tried it on plants. After a few months of watering, the plants turned to white. But there was a number of plants that then turned to black-".
Lacie felt a headache but didn't stop on listening to the old man's story.
"-the plants that turned to black was carnivorous plants and plants that eats animals-".

Thousand Year Dagger - Islands Of Olympus
FantasyThe year was 2120. in a new man made island near the pacific. a city called madness and galaxy island. On that island lived a teenager who was going nowhere with his life. Lacie Adenum was a very unlucky guy every where he goes bad things always hap...