At the science department building room 5409....
"Are you damn sure about this Adenum?!" A students voice shouting at the other line of lacie's ear communicator.
"Your damn right. Im sure about this". Lacie replied.
"Ahhh shit's about to get real now!". Robert intruding at the other line.
"Hahaha trust me on this". Lacie replied to robert.
At the white tall tower.
Belze was sniffing jane's hands. Jane was watching the battle for an hour now.
"Mr. Lacie adenum you are one hell of a scary enemy". Said the professor watching the battle at the fiber tech.
20 minutes earlier
"Ok leader what now?". One of the students asked.
Lacie had no idea on how to command an attack. Everybody was now counting on him on how they will attack or defend. Lacie was in a very tough situation.
"Hey adenum do you even know how to lead?". A girl shouted at the back of the group.
Lacie was getting very nervous does he let them do what they want?.
"Hey mister! You look like your about to take a poop hihihihi". Belze infiltrated his mind.
'How the hell did that rabbit used telepathy even at this distance and why does she know what i look like? That psycho rabbit must be staring at the fiber tech gla- ' something suddenly dawned to lacie. It was a very brilliant idea but can possibly be considered as cheating though but what the hell. As long as nobody knows he can pull it off. But then lacie thought on how will he able to communicate with her accomplice?. Then finally he figured something out. Lacie started walking out to the white team's field. He kept walking around in different direction and repeating it over and over again. The group watched their leader walked around the field of their base.
"I knew it were doomed". Again the girl at the back.
"Hey! Lace! What are you doing? Defeating the enemy by walking around in circles is not a very good plan". Yelled robert.
Lacie kept his pace again and again.
'Oh God i hope this works. If she noticed it then im sure will win' lacie thought sweat dropping off his face. He was doing the same thing over and over again for 8 minutes."Hiihihihi mister why do you keep walking around like an idiot? Teeehihihi". Belze giggling at his work.
'Oh shit she didn't get my message?!' Lacie stopped.
"Hihihi ok mister ill help you but first i need you to jump up and down then spin around and say im beautiful". Belze in a serious tone.
Lacie thought hard about it. It would be the most embarassing thing he would do over his entire life. But he looked at the group he was gonna command.
'they looked pissed already'.
only 7 minutes was left on the time before the battle starts. He hesitated at first but then.
"What are you doing mr. Adenum?". The professor had a confused look at the fiber tech glass displaying the images of everyone in the battle field.
Jane started to giggle on what she was watching at the monitor board behind the sofa. Belze was jumping in excitment with a straight rabbit face look.
Everybody in the field had mixed laughs. Some were pissed off and the other broke out laughing hard, hands at their belly and their head.
"I'M BEAUTIF-F-FULLLL!" Lacie shouted while jumping, then spinned like a ballerina. His face burned red while his eyes was closed.

Thousand Year Dagger - Islands Of Olympus
FantasyThe year was 2120. in a new man made island near the pacific. a city called madness and galaxy island. On that island lived a teenager who was going nowhere with his life. Lacie Adenum was a very unlucky guy every where he goes bad things always hap...