Chapter 3 - That guy

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After my last lesson, I wanted to meet up with Cody to drive home. Amelie and Luke had invited me to join them at dinner that night and I happily accepted. They were really nice. I actually couldn't believe my luck. As far as I could tell, they were genuine people and just tried to be themselves. 

At my old school, I would have never hung out with guys like Amelie and Luke. I don't even know why. I mean I had my football boys and that was all I needed. And I thought I was happy with that. So I guess I just never really had a chance to get to know these people at my school. Ok that was a bullshit excuse.

It just wasn't an option for me. I was on top of the food chain and why ruin that? I didn't deserve people like Luke and Amelie to give me a second chance. I mean I did change, I know that much. But still, if I would tell them about everything, not even about "the incident" they would probably stop talking to me. I mean they barely even started talking to me so it wouldn't be too hard for them. 

Just chill Blake. You promised yourself to not worry about bullshit like that. Not today at least. 

I waited for Cody in front of our car and smoked a cigarette. 

Yes, I finally found my lighter. It was in one of my pockets the whole fucking time. I hate myself sometimes. I misplaced shit all the time. One day I will literally lose my head, no doubt. Don't even ask how many times I've lost the keys to our car. 

I am saying our car, because our parents got it for the both of us. Cody waited a little to get his license and so we nearly got them at the same time. And because we both really wanted a car, but our parents couldn't afford two, we made a deal to share one. 

Right now its not that bad, but when Cody graduates and moves away, somebody has to take it. And that will most likely be Cody. Its his last year of High school so.. fuck.

And as a now single parent, my mom would definitely not be able to buy me my own car. But it was ok. She did the best she could and I didn't need a car that bad. Maybe I should look for a job and save some money. It was time to take some responsibility. Although my brother wouldn't let that happen. Not even with moms approval. 

Some Parents and also Teenagers passing by gave me judging looks, for smoking I guess. Jesus can't a boy be depressed in peace? No, I mean I wasn't depressed, I was going to be fine. Everything is fine now. 

I took a deep breath and felt the smoke burn in my lungs. Breath out and feel the nicotine hit. I am fine.

The front door of the school swung open. Cody appeared with two other guys by his side. One of them, with blond long hair, apparently just told a joke, because Codys laugh echoed through the parking lot. One other guy, with short strawberry curly hair, just rolled his eyes. He didn't like the joke, but the blond guy teasingly jumped on his back. They seemed like they knew each other forever. 

Suddenly, another dark figure appeared beside them. It was the guy from before. Oh no. What was he doing here? With them? With my brother? He also looked annoyed by the joke. He rolled his green eyes to the back of his head with his hands in the pockets of his Jacket. At least he hadn't noticed me yet. But Cody spotted me and gave the three guys a pat on the back and said goodbye. First the blonde dude, his friend and finally the mysterious guy. Their exchange lasted longer then the others. 

Was he friends with that guy? Really? 

He walked down the street to our car. The guys didn't pay attention to him anymore. Just the mysterious guy glanced over to us. What the fuck was his problem? Just mind your own damn business. 

"Hey. You wanna go home?" Cody asked cheerful and it annoyed me a little.

I nodded and got into the car. This time he would let me drive. That was only fair.

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