Chapter 20 - My secret

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I had a boyfriend. Me, fucking Blake Jenkins, actually had a boyfriend. I was somebodies boyfriend. I was the boyfriend of another guy. But not any guy. Romeo Brooks was my motherfucking boyfriend and I was his. Have you ever been so happy, you actually want to hug the whole world? Like, nothing could bring you down now and I mean nothing. You just want to go back to the people that treated you like shit and held you back from being happy and just shove your luck in their faces. You just want to scream from the top of your lungs, that they didn't break you. That now nothing could break you. 

I mean, I was still not ok, like at all. But for a moment, I was just happy. You can be happy and also not ok at the same time, as weird as it sounds. I wasn't ok, but Romeo made me so fucking happy. He gave me back a little bit of life and I wanted to write him uncountable thank you cards for that. But that would be weird as hell. 

I just still couldn't believe, that from all the people in the whole wide world, Romeo chose me. He actually liked me for me and not just the face I showed to everybody else. The attitude and the body. He wanted to be with me and I wanted to be with him. I don't care how gay that makes me sound, because I am gay for Romeo fucking Brooks and he is gay for me. 

After I had calmed down at the parking lot of the carnival, we decided it would be best not to push it tonight. Well, he decided it, I was ready to rock his world. Ok maybe not ready for that, but at least a hot make out session. After all, he gave me so much happiness that evening, I didn't even know what to do with it. But I still didn't want to be alone, to be honest, I really was a little shaken up from the whole panic attack bullshit. So we just spend the whole night kind of cuddling and sleeping, and I mean really just sleeping, at his place. Thankfully, his parents weren't home that night, so it wasn't fucking awkward, like the last time when I came downstairs, only half dressed, to get some breakfast. 

"Aw man, your moms breakfast is so good! Shame she isn't here... I guess we'll have to starve" I whined, sitting down in the leather booth. I really craved some Brook pancakes right now. They were just too good to be true.

"You know I can cook too" Romeo rolled his eyes, while getting some ingredients for breakfast. I frowned. Never ever in my life would I have, at that point, guessed that Romeo was a cook. Like at all. But hey, I wouldn't complain, because I couldn't cook for shit, so if this relationship was going anywhere, we wouldn't have to starve. 

"You for real?" I asked a little skeptical. Maybe cooking means some burned toast and jam. At least those were my cooking skills. Pretty good, right?

"Don't act so surprised asshole! Yeah I can cook!" he chuckled and began to scramble some eggs. Aw man, I was hoping for pancakes. But, ok, at least I was getting anything. I felt a little weird just letting Romeo do all the work and me sitting there, comfortable in the old booth, scrolling through instagram. So I got up and made the only thing I could actually, really make.


I can make a darn good coffee, if I may say so myself. I perfected the art, when I was about 14 and hit puberty way too hard. I was fucking tired all the time. But happy bean juice makes everything so much better!

When we both sat down and shared our creations with each other, I literally moaned as soon as I tasted those scrambled eggs. How the fuck can scrambled eggs be that delicious?? I blushed a little, because of the noise I had made, which, I think, was for Romeo very much amusing. But judging from the look on his face, he liked my coffee also very much! We were pretty quiet for the rest of the meal, seen as we were both too busy stuffing our faces with the most delicious breakfast I have ever had. Ok, except for Heathers pancakes.

Afterwards, we went up to Romeos room again to watch a movie. Apparently they also had a little home theatre, but we were both way to lazy and wanted to lay in a comfortable bed instead of some fluffy chairs. So we hopped onto the cozy bed, a little bit of space between us (I know it sounds dumb as fuck, since we were a couple now, but everything was still so new and fresh to me. And also to him I think) and skipped through Netflix.

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