Chapter 43 - The End

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A sweet and soft kiss on my cheek woke me up. Honestly, could you think of a more perfect way to start the day? Because I can't. The plump lips moved from my cheek down to my neck and it tickled a little bit, so I chuckled, opening my eyes to look at the most gorgeous smile I have ever seen. 

"Good morning birthday boy" Romeo grinned and I rolled to my side to face that perfect face better. God how did I get this lucky? Yes it was actually my birthday. 12th of February to be precise. The trial was now one month ago and honestly, I couldn't be happier. Ray was right, that trial could have broken me easily, but for some reason, it didn't. We won, we actually won! I was finally free and Ray in prison for a very long time. I still couldn't really believe it and of course my problems didn't go from 100 to 0 just from that, but it did help a lot. 

I still had to work through the issues Ray and also my dad had given me, but I was making progress and at least wasn't so paranoid all the time, that Ray would do it again. I could actually live my life, you know? After Ray had announced, that he was indeed guilty, things went crazy. I actually needed a minute to proceed what had just happened, but after that, the whole room had erupted in cheers and so many fucking people came to hug me. First Romeo and my family of course. Then my friends, my team mates and even some people I have never once met in my life. They all wanted to celebrate, but I was still shocked. Happy, but shocked. 

It was finally over and when I got home and actually realized that, I broke down again. From the overwhelming feeling of freedom and relief. It felt so great to finally cry for another reason than fear. Cody and Mom also shed a few tears and after that, we cooked a nice dinner all together and drank some wine, danced and just felt good for the first time in forever. My school was also really supportive and when I attend the next week, they had thrown me a huge welcome party and even the principal gave a speech about how brave I was, which was bullshit and embarrassing, but ok and they now even had new safety measures, since Ray was a wake up call for them. 

And now it was my birthday and Romeo looked at me, like I was his whole fucking world. But truly, he was mine. He leaned down again and pressed a smooth kiss against my lips and I could feel, that he was smiling, so I had to grin too. He was just too precious. He pulled away for a second and let his hand cup my cheek as he looked at me in pure bliss. Jesus we were corny. 

"What do you want to do today?" Romeo asked and I sighed. Since the trial, I was handling so many things at once. At first, there were all the reporters, I mean, even some talk shows wanted me to tell my story, but I decided that it was none of their business. It was already out there as a lesson, so they didn't need to hear it from my mouth as well. That piece of privacy I wanted to keep. I also juggled school, football, friends who wanted to celebrate my new found freedom almost every night and my family. I just needed a break. 

"Honestly, I just want to stay in today. I know it sounds lame, since its my 18th birthday, but I really just want to lay in bed all day, eat, cuddle and maybe do some more" I said running a finger over Romeos naked torso. God, I could never get tired of that body. I would have guessed Romeo to protest and tell me, he had this whole day planned, which honestly would have been sweet, but I truthfully just wanted one relaxing day and Romeo actually didn't stop me. 

"I think we can arrange that" Romeo smiled, flashing me his teeth. 

"Oh yeah?" I cheekily replied. 

"Yeah" Romeo chuckled, before he came closer and closer, each inch increasing my heartbeat, until his lips met mine again, caressing them in all their softness. My hand instantly found his neck, as I pulled him on top of me, which he gladly let me do, his legs straddling my hips. Feeling his lips move against mine, made me shiver and a low moan ripped through me, causing me to open my mouth wide enough, for Romeo to invade it with his tongue. My other hand, grabbed his waist, as Romeo started to grind his only in briefs covered hard on against my own. Oh hot damn! 

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