Chapter 42 - Law and Order (2)

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"Ok lets not freak out, this is good, ok? Without the trial, Ray would have probably only gotten about 7 years, maybe a few more. But now we can get the Jurys attention and he could go to jail for up to 20 years and maybe even a life time, if we play the attempted murder card right!" Mr Hampton said, walking around our waiting room. 

"Yeah, but he could also get zero" I said lowly. After Ray had declared to plead not guilty, we had a break for 2 hours, so that everybody, including the judge and jury, could discuss the course of the trial. And my lawyer took me, my family and Romeo to our waiting room to discuss our plan. But fuck it, I don't even care right now. I had really really hoped Ray would plead guilty and spear us all the trial, but nope, he had to ruin it all again. 

"No Blake, don't even think that. We will get him behind bars ok? Hey, look at me" Romeo said and I did as he told me to. "We will fight and we will fight good and then it will all be over and Ray will go to prison for a long long time ok?" 

I wanted to believe him, but frankly, I have been disappointed way to often now and it just seemed, like justice was something me, Blake Jenkins, would never ever get in life. I could already see it. First we would all have to see the evidence again, then I would be questioned like a prisoner, then Ray would tell a fairy tail of a story that only made him look good and then everybody would decide, that I was the true evil in this room. 

"Thats right and with me as your lawyer, we will get that bastard. Blake, there is so much evidence against him, we will win this case, I promise you that!" Mr. Hampton said, kneeling in front of me. I knew he meant well and genuinely believed what he said, but how could he still have so much hope and confidence? 

Cody and Mom looked equally devastated as I was, since they knew oh to well, how the legal system failed us once and it could easily do it again. 

"Ok so here is how this is going to work. Today will merely be a hearing of the police officers working your case and how they present the evidence, just so the whole jury is on the same page. Tomorrow the real trial will start. At first there will be a hearing from Rays side. So his lawyer will call in witnesses and question them to Rays advances. But we can get a chance to question them too. After that, we can show off our witnesses, which Rays lawyer will question as well. Then... and I'm so sorry Blake, but this will come, we will have to question you. And then Rays lawyer may want to ask you a few things. I know this is going to be incredibly hard, but if you stick to your statement, you should be fine" Mr Hampton said and I buried my face in my hands as this was just too fucking great. Fuck.

"Then after that, we will get a chance to question Ray himself. I already have my strategy, now we only have to pick who we want as a witness. I personally really think Cody would be good as well as Romeo and also somebody from your school. What do you think Blake?" Mr. Hampton asked. 

"I will testify. Whatever will help win the case" Cody quickly said, before I could answer. Fuck, now also Cody and Romeo had to testify and go through all of that shit. I just wanted to disappear.

"Uh yeah... yeah ok. I mean, if you are ok with testifying as well?" I asked Romeo. 

"Of course babe. I will do anything", Romeo said and I felt even more guilty. At least Cody knew what was going to happen and how shit it was to be questioned so intensely, but Romeo never went through that. You could also not get angry at accusations and had to control yourself because, well, it was a fucking court room. I really didn't want to put him through that. 

"Ok perfect. Now, do you have anyone from your school in mind, that would testify for you?" Mr Hampton asked. Honestly, I was just tired. I knew our fight hadn't even started yet, but I just wanted to lay down and sleep. There was this heavy feeling in my chest, like I was about to cry, but strangely, I didn't. 

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