Chapter 25 - Cam-girl

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After Romeo and I returned back to the concert, we joined our friends in the crowd again, who hadn't even noticed, that we were gone. We both tried our best to not look like we had just made each other cum in the back of his car, but we still looked a little messed up, in my opinion. Romeos hair was all over the place and, how I later discovered, I was wearing my shirt the wrong way around. But luckily our friends were either idiots or just too drunk and exited to actually give a fuck what we looked like. We all enjoyed the rest of the concert, before deciding it was time to head home.

Unfortunately, we didn't come up with a good excuse of why I couldn't go home and should rather spend the night alone with Romeo. We thought about arguing with the fact that I had drank beer, but honestly, my mom didn't care as long as Cody was there to look after me. Also, Luke or Amelie would definitely have protested for me to stay at one of their places, since they were my best friends. So that wouldn't work and we were both not very good liars, so I ended up just going home again.

Romeo and I decided to at least text or call each other when we would get home, so we could talk a little more since we couldn't see each other in person. It really sucked, that I had to hide my boyfriend, but of course it was my decision to hide it. Well it wasn't much of a choice to be honest. I just wanted to spend the night with him, maybe repeat what had happened in the car and just simply be with him. But life was just way too messed up for me to finally be happy.

I was suspiciously quiet on the drive home. Cody blasted The 1975s through the speakers of the car, while Luke and Amelie sang along and fangirled over the concert. Even my brother was still super hyped from the whole event, while I just sat there in complete silence, looking out the window and thinking about my boyfriend, who was driving home alone right now. I could be by his side. But don't get me wrong, I wasn't sad. What had happened before was way too great to let me feel any kind of unpleasant feeling at all.

I couldn't get the image out of my mind of Romeos face while I massaged his groin or when he kissed my wounds like he treasured them, but also wanted to heal them with just his lips or when he kept eye contact while he sucked me off or when he-

"Blake? What the fuck is up with you?? Didn't you enjoy the concert?" Amelie literally slapped me out of my thoughts. I held my arm where her hand had left a red hand print, while looking very disturbed. "What the fuck was that for?" I whined, examining my stinging bicep. That girl really had a temper sometimes.

"We are just wondering where your mind is dude. You have been awfully quiet, are you ok?" Cody said, his eyes fixed on the road. He was probably genuinely worried about my well being, seeing as the incident with the phone call from our dad was just a few days ago, but honestly, other than annoyed that I couldn't spend the night at my boyfriends house and maybe repeat what had happened in the back of his car an hours ago, I was peachy.

"Ah no man, I'm fine, just a little exhausted, thats all" I said, forcing a yawn at the end to make it a little more believable. Truth be told, I wasn't tired at all, of course. I was still way too exited about what Romeo and I did and how fucking amazing every second of it felt, giving as well as receiving. And I wanted to do it again. But I also just wanted to spend some time with Romeo and talk. We had so little time, that we could spend together in privacy and it sucked, seeing as  all I wanted to do, was spend every second of my day with only him.

Cody looked a little uncertain, but decided to believe me and continued to drive me and those two balls of energy in the back of our car, home. I couldn't wait to finally get to my room and call Romeo. Fucking hell I really was acting like a little girl with a big ass crush. But truth be told.. I was...probably.. in love? Oh shit that was a scary thought! I didn't easily open up to people or even to myself and let me feel anything at all. But Romeo forced me, in the best way possible, to get in touch with myself again and let those emotions happen for once. Yeah I was afraid to get hurt, so fucking scared. But was Romeo worth it? Yes, a thousand percent.

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