Chapter 36 - Prison Break

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A/N: Hello my lovely people! I don't want to keep you too long, just a few things first!

First of all I want to thank you all for the support I have received recently! All of your votes, your reads and your comments mean the world to me! Truly. So I wanted to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for choosing my story over so many other great story's on this app to read at this moment!

Secondly, I know this story is an emotional rollercoaster and I know it can be a lot sometimes (believe me it was hard writing some parts of this book so far) and I just wanted to let you know, that I am here for everyone of you guys. Don't hesitate to contact me, if you need an ear, because not only can I be a good listener, but I just wanted to say, that not every part of this story is totally unfamiliar to me. Let's leave it at that.

Anyway I love you all and lets continue!! - Hanna


The next few days were very fucking tough and that is coming from me. I had panic attacks like every other minute, but I was never alone to deal with them. That was sometimes good, but also bad. I had no privacy what so ever. Whenever I even needed use the bathroom, somebody would accompany me, which is not entirely wrong, but at my own home, that was a little too much. Maybe they also did it, so I wouldn't do something stupid in there, but if really the only reason was to secure me from Ray, than that was just bullshit.

My nightterrors started again and I had a hard time catching a good nights sleep. Luckily, I would either stay at Romeos or he at my place, so whenever I would wake up, screaming and sweating like crazy, he was there to hold me until I calmed down. To be honest, I felt kind of bad about putting so much on him, but he genuinely seemed to only want to be there for me and like he didn't mind at all waking up at 2 in the morning to me crying like a baby. I felt so weak, but he told me every time, how strong I was and how good I was holding up. I didn't think so, but it was comforting to hear nevertheless.

After we made our bulletproof plan in the parking lot and after everyone calmed down a bit, Romeo took me and my equally upset brother home, where we waited for our mom. We had to tell her, as hard as was. But she would have found out anyway. Either she would have met Rays parents in town or heard about what happened at school at her workplace, because we still lived in a rather small town and information like that spreads pretty quickly. So when she got home we had to sit her down and break the news about Ray's arrival to her. She was very fucking angry and upset to say the least. I mean, she wanted to go out and find that asshole to strangle him so...

But when she calmed down, we told her about our plan. At first she wasn't too happy and would rather take legal actions, but when she realized, that there was nothing we could do through the legal system, she was ok with the plan. She was still very upset and feared for my safety and she even offered to stay home from work so I could stay home from school and didn't have to face that monster, which I found incredibly sweet of her, but I couldn't take that offer. The way we build our plan, I would be safe and all of us could go to school or work with no problem. Although I really really dreaded going there again.

That evening, I turned my phone on for the first time after the weekend and saw the message Ray had left me there. Or at least the same unknown number. I was very fucking confused what he meant. Did he stalk me and found out, how happy I was and was angry about that? Did he somehow know that I slept with Romeo and wanted to make me pay? Honestly, I have no idea and it wasn't like I could just walk up to him and ask him.

He did try to approach me quite a few times in the past few days. He had waited for me in front of the school the second day he was there, but of course I wasn't alone. He even tried to get me at my smoking break, but Romeo was there with me and threatened to smash his head in if he didn't leave right that minute. Lucky for him, he still had one bodyguard around at that time. After Wednesday, he walked through the school all alone and boy did I have to hold Cody and Romeo back from smashing his face in. Whenever he tried to get me alone, his excuse was, that he just wanted to talk to his 'ex-lover' in private to catch up and shit, that manipulative piece of shit. And every time, I had a panic attack. Not always a really bad one, but they are never fun, let me tell you that.

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