three | on the threshold of liberty [pt. one]

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a/n: remember to light up that star!

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a/n: remember to light up that star!

She went back in time to the fifties, and everyone was dancing in that bar. But she was sitting at her booth alone, typewriter in front of her.

Even in her dreams, Joyce wasn't a social animal. And even in her dreams, she was waiting for the inspiration to come to her.

Outside of her head, she was sleeping on top of her blankets with the light of day coming through her window. She was still wearing yesterday's t-shirt, although she'd taken off her jeans, and covering her was only the blank notebook she'd tried to fill the night before.

She'd thought she had found some inspiration, that night, and had tried to turn it into words on paper, but the constant thought of Chase trying to kiss her and his face after she avoided him distracted her.

She couldn't enter her zone because she felt guilty for what she'd done.

So she'd put the notebook down on her chest and closed her eyes, trying to meditate and banish her thoughts, but she ended up falling asleep.

An insisting vibration finally woke her. She raised her head and noticed it was spinning, so she pushed herself up with her elbows. The notebook fell all the way to the floor. She looked toward her nightstand but the phone wasn't there, so she followed the sound and spotted it on her desk.

"Crap," she said, realizing she wasn't in the fifties anymore, as she staggered to her feet and reached the infernal device with 'Dad' written on it.

"Yeah," she picked up. She yawned and shook her wrist to look at it, only to realize she wasn't wearing a watch and, as a matter of fact, she never even owned one.

"Yes, Dad, I'm alright. You don't have to call me every day," she barked. She went back to her bed and picked up the notebook from the floor. She wanted to read it, convinced she'd written something, but threw it back on the bed disappointed.

"No, Dad, I don't use Facebook, that's why my last access is so long ago," she replied with an annoyed tone.

The sound of the buzzer startled her. She reached her room's door and waited behind it for Kuni to answer the door; her Dad still on the line. She heard a couple of whos coming from Kuni's voice, which sounded even more annoying to Joyce in the morning.

She buzzed in whoever it was, so she assumed it was one of her friends, or the postman.

"Joyce!" She heard her shouting from the hallway. "Your friend Chase is here for you." She sounded inquisitive.

Joyce's eyes darted. "What?" she shouted back as she opened the door to talk to her directly. "Why the hell did you let him in? I literally just woke up," she spat, burying the phone in her chest.

Kuni sized her up, making her feel self-conscious for wearing nothing but panties besides her t-shirt. "I'm sorry," she said in a careless tone, "I heard you talking in there and I assumed you were up."

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