eleven | the day of the long knives [pt. two]

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The evening came quick, and with that came Birdie, too. The two girls hugged and moved to Joyce's room, where they would stay the whole night.

"Can you believe soon we'll be out of high school?" Birdie said.

"Don't tell me about it. That gives me anxiety," Joyce said.

"Why? I can't wait for it, honestly. It's an opportunity for our lives to start all over again," she did sound excited.

"That's what I'm scared of. I like my life right now. I don't want a new one," Joyce said.

"You like your life? Joyce Blackbird, I've never heard you talk like that before. What's up with you today?" Birdie said, resting a hand on her hip.

Joyce shrugged. "I don't know. I just feel happier, these days."

"I can see that. You're radiant," Birdie said. "And by the way, we're not going to lose each other. The new life is going to be an expansion pack for our preexisting life, not a new installment."

"Birdie," Joyce gasped. "What's with the gaming references?"

Birdie laughed. "I've been playing a lot of Sims recently."

Joyce laughed along. "Besides, we still have to start that band in the future, don't we?" she said.

"Of course. The Fabulous Freebirds. Blackbird and Birdie. It's going to be a hit," she exclaimed.

Joyce was almost in tears from laughing. "I've missed this," she said.

Birdie nodded. "Me too."

They pretty much talked each other to sleep. The next morning, there was a text by Joel on Joyce's phone.

Did you two have fun last night?

Joyce rubbed her eyes while Birdie was still sleeping on the folding bed they'd set up.

I think it was the most fun I've ever had, Joyce texted him.

See, nothing's lost. You can still have a good and happy life, he said.

I have to thank you for that, Joel. What can I do to repay you? she asked him.

You can come with me to the movies tonight.

Joyce smiled. That will be done.

Birdie left before lunch and Mason asked Joyce to hang out in the afternoon

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Birdie left before lunch and Mason asked Joyce to hang out in the afternoon. He came to her house and gave her a kiss, something he would never do in front of the others.

They played The Sims as always. Or rather, she played and he watched. He would usually go over to his phone and scroll the feed. Never before had she felt so bored in his presence. She was so bored that when he started kissing her neck and moved her to the bed, she was excited. At least he was doing something he was good at, and there was no way that could've been boring.

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