seven | the empty mask [pt. one]

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a/n: remember to vote!

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a/n: remember to vote!

When she opened her eyes, she noticed that her senses didn't come back as immediately as her vision did.

Sure, she was able to see Toru underneath her, with his chest slightly lifted by his shoulders and his eyes closed. She even noticed the heart pounding in his chest.

But she couldn't hear a thing. The room was completely silent, her ears weren't even ringing. She couldn't feel a muscle of her body, either. As a matter of fact, she wasn't even breathing nor did she feel the need to.

This lasted a few seconds after she reached the climax so soundly. After that, the senses slowly came back altogether.

Toru was panting and she felt his belly struggling under her weight, so she moved upward to find out that they were glued together by sweat.

She threw herself on the other side of the bed. The wind coming through the slightly open window felt colder than usual on her sweat-covered naked body. She brought both hands to her forehead and sighed. Toru chuckled and she joined him.

"That was..." Toru said between his heavy breaths.

"Pretty good, I'd say," Joyce said, wiping the sweat away from her forehead with a hand.

"I've never done it like this," he added.

"Like what?" Joyce asked.

"Like, um, well, not in charge, I guess," he struggled to say.

"Well, didn't you enjoy it like that?" she asked.

"Did I ever," he said.

"I should probably take a shower," Joyce said, sitting up.

"Wait, Joyce, can I ask you something?" he said and she felt a lump in her throat.

"Sure, unless it's 'will you marry me' or 'can we do it again'," she warned him.

"Why did you decide to do this with me just like that?" he asked.

Joyce collected her thoughts, still a little lightheaded. Now that she thought about it, Chase's cologne had disappeared from her nose. It wasn't all over her room anymore. In fact, there was no smell at all in that room. Maybe she just imagined his smell in the first place. It sure didn't make sense that it was all over her since they barely hugged one time and always stood at a certain distance from each other.

Her eyes darted to the floor as she suddenly felt self-conscious about being naked. "I don't know," she said with her back turned to Toru as she put her clothes back on. "Just to have fun, I guess."

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