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"I love you JJ" said Vikk

"I love you to" said JJ

they both went to bed now knowing that they weren't the only gay couple in the sidemen and that Simon liked Josh but he was too nervous to tell him. they were both glad that they could help Simon to talk to Josh and they were so happy that they were able to get Josh to talk to Simon. they went to bed on a good note and woke up in the morning feeling great accept it was a little hot sharing a bed. they both got up and had a shower in their own bathrooms then got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. they went past Simon with their hands intertwined and asked him what happened last night with him and Josh and he said that he couldn't do it and told him that he had another nightmare.

Vikk's pov

"I didn't know you have nightmares Simon, you should have told me" I said. "I know I'm sorry, I only felt comfortable telling Josh at the time" he replied. "that's ok, just make sure next time to tell me too because I can help as well, I've had nightmares in the past about my past too but I'm over them now" I reassured him. "how did you know its about my past?" he asked. "I saw your stream the other day and your explaining video about what happened on the stream" I said. "oh ok" he replied. he walked into the kitchen and made 2 bowls of cereal, one for him and I assume the other for Josh.

JJ's pov

I did feel bad for Simon, I have known him for so long and I'm the only one apart from Josh maybe who truly understands what he went through in senior school. I still don't know how Chase found Simon on YouTube but if I ever see that kid again I'm going to kill him. he didn't deserve to live after what he did to Simon. he was such a homophobe and he still is and its not right. someone needed to get it in his head that its not ok to bully people just because of their sexuality and he just needs to grow up a bit. I went to find Josh to see how he was and found him in his room crying, I was so confused because Josh didn't seem like the sort of person to cry. he didn't realise I was there so I snuck out and went to find Simon so that he could go and resolve Josh's problem and hopefully make their relationship stronger. I found Simon in his room editing and I told him about Josh and he ran into Josh's room to see what was wrong and I left them to it.

I went downstairs to Vikk and sat on the sofa with him and gave him a big hug. he hugged back then turned on the tv and put on the Netflix show that we were watching yesterday. an hour later when the show finished Simon and Josh came down and sat with me and Vikk so I asked Simon what was wrong with Josh and he said that he came out to his mum and she accepted him but when he told his dad he disowned him and that's what made Josh upset. I felt so bad for Josh because everyone else's parents accepted them but his dad didn't.

I decided to take Vikk out to Nandos for dinner to get away from all the drama that had happened today. we got a table upstairs and got our usual food. we were there for about half an hour and then went home. when we got in we found Josh and Simon on the sofa asleep together

Vikk's pov

they looked so cute together all snuggled up on the sofa, they left the tv on so I turned it off for them and then me and JJ went upstairs to go to bed but before we got in bed I brought a blanket down and put it over Josh and Simon and left them to sleep. them to are so cute together, I don't get why they don't just go out. I walked back upstairs to my bedroom where I round JJ on my bed telling me to get in so I did, he hugged me tight and started to kiss my neck. he soon found my sweet spot and I let out a gasp trying not to be too loud. he stopped kissing my neck laughing, I ran into the bathroom and looked in the mirror to see that he had left a hickey. I hopped back in bed and ignored him, I didn't want that on my neck. I didn't give in to him and he soon got the idea and went to sleep. I fell asleep soon after. when we woke up I heard crying, again. it was Simon downstairs but he had Josh sleeping with him so he shouldn't have had a nightmare. I went down to ask what happened and Josh said he left for about an hour to do some editing and Simon had a nightmare whilst he was gone. I left Josh to sort out the problem and went and made some scrambled eggs for me and JJ. soon later Josh had managed to stop Simon from crying and made him some breakfast seen as he had already eaten but Simon hadn't. I brought JJ's food upstairs for him and found him editing a video. I left his food next to him for when he wanted it, I sat on his bed and watched him edit. once he was finished I went and found Josh and Simon and asked them if they wanted to go out for lunch and they said yes so I told them to get ready for 11:30am so we could go to Nandos. when the time came I called JJ, Josh and Simon down to go to Nandos. we all got in my car and I drove us down to Nandos. we went upstairs to the quietest part of the restaurant and we got a table and ordered. I got the cups for our bottomless drinks and we all filled our cups up and sat back down at the table. "we have something to tell you" Josh and Simon said in sync...

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