the end

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This is the 5th chapter I'm putting out today and I just wanted to say thank you everyone for the support I have got on this book, all the lovely comments and the many DMS I have got from people saying some really nice things.

Sorry I had to kill JJ off but there is now a new JJ but the story has ended so you won't hear anything from him.

Make sure to keep an eyes out on my account because I have 2 more books for different things planned, all sidemen related.

The prologue for one is out and a chapter for another one is in the making.

I did really enjoy writing this book and I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Be sure to check out my friends books, I follow them so if you want to check them out you can see who I'm following and look from there.

Make sure to read more of my books and enjoy the rest of your days or nights if you are in England like me because its currently 10:44pm.


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