MiniZerk p6

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Simon's pov

The next morning

After hearing that JJ has cancer and its not cureable I wanted to drown myself in tears but then that would make Josh sad and I hate to see Josh sad so I kept myself together and didn't cry or think about killing myself.

I am a very empathetic person and so is Josh so if he sees me sad he will be sad and if I see him sad I will be sad.

Even if we don't know the reason why, its just what happens. We are very affectionate too.

Over texts

Josh- u OK?
Simon- ye I'm fine
Josh-your not, don't lie to me, you know it will make me sad
Simon- OK, I'm not alright but I will be OK in a minute, please don't be sad
Josh- well JJ having cancer makes me sad so I can't help being sad but you being sad makes it worse. Come down in a minute please 
Simon- OK I will be down soon
Josh- I'm lonely cause JJ went to bed and Vikk is being antisocial
Simon- I can hear JJ crying
Josh- we need to give him some time so don't check on him
Simon- ok , I'm coming down
Josh- OK

I walked downstairs really slowly trying not to cry as I heard JJ crying.

"Hola" Josh laughed.
"Hola señor" I said laughing.
(Hello sir)
"¿Cómo estás?" Josh asked.
(How are you?)
"Estoy bien" I replied.
(I'm good)
"Bueno" Josh replied.
"Qué a aleatorio conversación a tener en español" I said
(What a random conversation to have in Spanish)
"Verdad aquel" Josh replied and I laughed.
(True that)
"Stop with the Spanish now" I said knowing that I'm not that good at it.
"Why, no one else knows what we are saying because they didn't do it" Josh said sighing.
"But im not good at it" I replied.
"If you weren't good at it, we would have stopped a while ago" Josh said with a smile.
"Verdad aquel" I said mimicking Josh.
He laughed which made me laugh.

We stood in silence for a while, not an awkward silence, one where you can feel the warmth of the other person and that's all you need, no speech, no contact just them there in front of you.

Vikk walked into the kitchen where we were standing and broke our silence.

"What were you two laughing about and talking about?" Vikk asked.

"Nothing interseante" I said in halg English and half Spanish.

"Verdad aquel" Josh said and we both burst out laughing.

Vikk stood looking at us in confusion.

"You know I didn't do Spanish at school so I have no clue what you are saying" Vikk said with a confused tone.

"That's the point, you look so confused and its hilarious" Josh said trying to contain his laughter.

"Verdad aquel" I repeated with a straight face that didn't last long.

"Please stop, I have no clue what you are saying and its making me anxious" Vikk said embarrassed.

"Its nothing about you, don't worry. And its nothing about anyone else" I said reassuringly.

"Verdad aquel" Josh repeated and we both burst out laughing again for the millionth time.

"Right I'm going upstairs to see JJ" Vikk said with a big of sass.

"He was crying by the way, don't know if he still is" I said cooling down my laughter.

"OK thanks, bye" Vikk said and headed off upstairs.

Josh's pov

I hadn't told Simon this yet but Freya keeps calling me and messaging me non stop and I don't really know what to do, I could swear at her in Russian over the phone or leave a voice message telling her to fuck off.

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