minizerk p1

138 3 0

Josh's pov

we were sat in nandos and Vikk went to get our glasses for our drinks and JJ went to the toilet so me and Simon discussed whether or not to tell them about Simons sleeping disorder. when JJ came back we waited for Vikk and when he came back we told then we had something to tell them. they both looked so confused and i told them that Simon had a sleeping disorder and Simon said it was due to his past. they both felt really bad for Simon and told him that he would get over it some day and he wouldnt have it anyomre, he just had to speak about what happened in his past. Simon told them that he had been talking to me about it and i said he should go to a doctor so we went together and the doctor diagnosed him. ever since then Simon had been talking to me about chase and i have been helping him get through it. we finished our food in nandos and went home. we had so long left of the day and we didnt know what to do. Vikk said it would be a good idea for all of the group to go to thorpe park, me and Simon thought this was a good idea as we could film a video. everyone else agreed and we set of. it didnt take long to get there as we didnt live that far away and there wasnt any traffic, once we arrived we all got out of the car and ran to the ticket que but went straight through because we bought fast passes and line skips online.

Simon's pov

i ran straight through to the biggest ride, the collosal and i dragged Josh with me. we went straight on because of our line skips and we got on the ride. it was amazing, it went upside down and did loop the loops and cork screws. once it ended me and Josh went over to the other guys and got them to go on this massive ride that went over 100ft high (the amount of times i have been to thorpe park i should know what its called but i cant remember) again we skipped the que and went straight on. it had the red lights like in an f1 race then it had a green light for go and we got shot in the air like a sling shot, it was amazing. it went round in a loop like a u shape. we went round so fast, probably over 100mph. once it ended we got off and went on a sky drop. we put our bags in a basket by the exit gate and sat on our designated seats. Josh sat next to me so i grabbed his hand as we went up. it started to count down but went down on 2. i tried to scream but i couldnt project my voice, it was like i had lost my voice. it stopped just before we hit the ground and slowly lowered us down. i got up and i felt agony in my ankles. it was so painful, it must have been the pressure of the drop. Josh felt it too, we could barely walk because of the pain. we went and got doughnuts to distract us and after that we went on saw the ride. i had been on it before so i knew what was coming so i didnt tell the other guys that there was a secret drop in the floor and because you are in the dark you cant see it. we skipped the line again and sat at the front of the ride. i had Josh next to me again and we git ready for the ride to start. once it started we wemt down a dark path and had a little guy riding on a bike next to us (saw) and it startled Josh a bit seen as he had never been on this ride before. i was ready for the sudden drop that was coming soon and i was looking at Josh with a bit of a smerk on my face. he asked me what was so funny and then we dropped and he screamed. i laughed at him as we went passed these spinning blades and round a loop. Josh had his eyes closed till the end of the ride when he told me that he was feeling sick so i took him home. i told the other guys and we went home in my car. luckily Vikk drove too so the guys could all fit in his car. once we got back i took Josh up to his bedroom and left him there to sleep. whilst he was sleeping i made some soup for him and the guys fir dinner. i brought some up to Josh and out it next to him on his bed side tabke and then went back downstairs. the other guys came in soon after and i sat them all down and gave them their soup. i never knew how good of a cook i was untill i ate what i had made, i had put a few different vegetables in it and some chicken and it was so good. once i had finished i excused my self from the table or island whatever you want to call it and went upstairs to Josh.

Josh's pov

i saw some soup left on my bed side table and a nkte from Simon saying enjoy so i ate it. i never knew how good of a cook he was, this soup was delicious. i was so tired but i heard someone knock on my bedroom door so i couldnt go back to sleep. i told them to come in and it was Simon, he asked me how the soup was and i told him that it was delicious. he also asked me how i was feeling and i told him that i was tired and he sat on my chair and told me to sleep. he went on his phone presumably on twitter so i went to sleep. i woke up about 5 hours later and checked the time on my phone, it read 2:24. i looked over to my computer desk and saw Simon alseep on my chair where i had left him when i went to sleep. i got uo and put a blanket on him then went downstairs to get a drink. i came back uo with a cup of water and went back to sleep. i woke up at 10am and went to go do some editing but saw a note left on my desk, again it was from Simon. it said, come downstairs i have made you breakfast. i ram downstairs with a shirt in my hand trying to get it on. i saw Simon standing there with a apron on dishing up some eggs. there was also bacon and beans on the plate and there were sausages sizzling in a pan. he had made me an all day breakfast. i was so greatful because i was so hungry and this woukd fill me up. he handed me the plate and i ate it all. i then hugged him and said thank you and went upstairs to film a video. i managed to film 3 videoa in 2 hours. i wanted Simon to be in one but he was filming a video at the time so he promised he would film one with me a bit later on. when the time came i called Simon into my room and told him we were filming a google feud video. he told me that he was quite good at these so i had high hopes. by the end of the video we were on 124,500 points and we had only played 10 rounds, it turns out that Simon is amazing at google feud. it was 7pm and i hadnt had dinner so i ordered some pizza from the dominos website. it came within 10 minutes so i decided to watch a short video in that time. whilst eating the pizza i watched Vikks new video then Simons. once i finished the pizza i went to bed because of my messed up sleeping pattern. i woke up at 12am to someone crying. i assumed it was Simon and i was correct. we hadnt talked about his oast for a few days so it must have got caught up in his mind.

Simon's pov

i jhst had the worst nightmare yet, i remember going to school and seeing Chase at the front gates waiting for me then he punched me in the face and said go home you stinking faggot so i ran away back home then got a razor out and started cutting my arm in anger. i remembered the pain it caused me then i oulled up my sleve and saw the faint scars from it. i cried even more. i heard a knock on my door and it was Josh, he ran in and gave me a big hug. he asked me what happened and i told him the whole story and he said he would be staying with me for the reat if the night. i was so paranoid abiut what happened. i almist encouraged me to cyt again. i ignired my thoughts and fell asleep forgetting everything that had happened during the nights and in my past life. when i woke up in the morning i pulled up my sleve to look at my scars once again and Josh said to me "you better not be thinking abiut doing that again" i told him i wasnt but i wasnt sure whether or not id do it again. i decided to go on a walk to clear my mind. i keft the house and out my jacket on because it was a bit cold. i walked down the raod and crossed at the crossing to go into the park. i walked round the edge of the park near the woods trying to forget everything and apreciate the nature around me. i decided to head back to get breakfast. i was quite far away from the crossing now so i couldnt be bothered to walk down to it so i just walked out into the road without looking. then it hit me, quite litterally. i heard a guy shiuting are you ok sir but then i blacked out.

Josh's pov

i was getting quite curious as to where Simon was so i texted him but i got no reply then Vikk came up to me and said he had just been out to get some shopping and he saw Simon laying in the middle of the road with a man next to him talking to him looking like he was panicing. Vikk decided to get me and we ran out of the house together. once i got to Simon it was clear to me that he had been hit by a food importer truck. he was completely out of it. laying there in the middle of the road. it pained me to see him like this, i felt like i was going to cry. my Simon laying there on the floor unconsious. Why did this haooen to him? Why him? I called and abulance as fast as i could and told them my adress. they got here within 3 minutes because we lived right near a hospital. the out him on a strecher and asked which one of us was going to come with him and i said i would. the guy that hit him in the truck said he was so sorry and drove off. as he went the ambulance drove off to the hospital with me, Simon and 2 crew members in it. i was so paranoid about what was going to happen to Simon. the lady in the back with us said it was likely he was going to be put in a coma. i started to cry. i asked for how long and she said the maximum would probably be 6 months. i tried to stop my self from crying but i couldn't. why did it have to happen to Simon? out of everyone in the world why Simon? we arrived at the hospital and they took Simon out of the back of the ambulance and they escorted me to a waiting room. they told me whilst i was waiting that at some points Simon may be abke to hear what you are saying, he may move but these are only muscke spasms, if his heart rate rises he is waking up and he will be in a coma for a maximum of 6 months and if he doesnt wake uo in that time we will announce him dead. the thought of Simon dying made me get uoset. the doctir left me in the room to think about all these things. i called the other guys whikst i waited for Simon to be ready to visit. it felt like ages but i only had to wait 5 minutes. Simon was just laying there on the bed. the doctor said i coukd talk to him and he may be abke to hear me then he left us 2 in lrivate. i started by saying how much i loved him and that he didnt deserve to be hit my a truck and then i told him about the other guys coming over to see him. i took hold of his hand, it was cold and dry. not like his usual skin. i sat there for hours talking to him about old memorys and things that we could do in the future. the other guys turned uo and knocked on the door but i didnt want to leave Simon so i said wait a minute and said my goodbyes a d kissed him on the forehead.

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