tobzy p2

76 2 0

Tobi's pov

I had heard about Josh and Simon's trip to Spain and I felt really good for them. I knew how much Josh liked Simon and could tell how much Simon liked him back, I was glad that Josh was going to ask Simon to be his boyfriend and give him a promise ring because honestly they would be my favourite couple. I still couldn't believe that I was the only straight sideman and the only one without a boyfriend or a major crush. The only person who I would really want to go out with would be Calfreezy. He is the only one that is single too. Their was also Callux but he was dating Sarah so he wasn't available. I thought it was kind of weird that I have never had a significant other. I don't think Freezy has either. Mabey we would be a good match, I don't think I would be able to be in a gay relationship because I would be too scared to tell anyone because people can be judged even though I have gay friends. I just wouldn't be able to tell anyone because I would be to scared about being judged and hated by people because of my sexuality. Some day it would probably go public, someone could get drunk and accidentally record to of our friends making out and post it or something. I worry about the smallest things sometimes, I probably have anxiety or something like that.
I got a text on the sidemen group asking if anyone wanted to come round and do some stuff because JJ was really bored. I was kind of bored too so I asked Freezy if he wanted to go over then and he said he would come. I replied on the chat saying that me and Freezy would come. We were told to meet at 5pm for pizza and fun.
I started to get ready as it was 4:15pm. We didn't have that much time as it took just under 25 minutes to get to the house and probably 20 minutes to get ready. That left us the exact amount of time needed so we had no time to mess around.
I took 10 minutes to get dressed and have a bit of a freshen up and Freezy took 15 minutes because he wanted to do his hair too. Once Cal finished doing his hair we left the flat and went to his car. We got in and drove to the sidemen house. I had no clue how many people were going to be there and I didn't know what we were doing accept having pizza.
We had arrived at the house and were greeted by JJ standing in the door way collecting pizza from the domino's guy. I followed JJ in and helped him with the pizza, Cal was following behind me. We were supprised to see how many people were there. There was atleast 20 people. JJ announced that we will be playing a few fun games and that he will be letting in no more people because something will probably go wrong. JJ opened up all of the pizza boxes and handed everyone a plate then shouted tuck in. Everyone took it in turns to get some pizza and then sat down somewhere. Whilst everyone ate their food and had a chat JJ started to set up a game. Once we all finished he announced the name of the game. "First we will be playing paranoia and then we will be playing truth or dare, but I don't have Josh and Simon here to try and get them together as they are in Spain and Josh is going to do some cute shit so I will pick on 2 other people and I will try my best to gat them to fall for each other like I made Simon and Josh fall for each other. By the way they still aren't going out and Josh is probably going to ask Simon to be his boyfriend on the last day at the fancy restaurant and then give him a promise ring saying one day which probably has some special message of some sort", announced JJ whilst standing on a table. Once JJ had got down from the table we all followed him to the first game. We would be split into 2 groups of 10 and we would be sitting in a circle on the floor. We had a 10p coin that would be flipped after someone had whispered a question in someone else's ear and after they had said the answer out load. If the coin landed on heads the question would be kept a secret but if the coin landed on tails you would have to tell everyone the question. Anything answered in this round of paranoia would stay in this round and could not be spocen about after we finished. We started the game. I got put in a circle with Freezy and all of my friends and in the other circle was people I didn't know that well. There were a few people not playing but that was probably because they were going to leave soon or because they are just boring.

Freezy's pov

I got told to start and I went over to lux and asked him if he would rather kill me or Sarah and he said himself. I didn't know if this was part of the rules but let him have the answer because he liked me as much as Sarah which meant he liked me a lot. (Sarah is his girlfriend if you didn't know) the coin was flipped and it landed on heads so no one could now how much Lux liked me. Lux then asked Tobi a question but obviously I didn't know what it was. Tobi snickered a bit then answered with a quite shy yes. The coin was flipped and it landed on tails, Tobi instantly put his head into his plams. This must have meant it was an embarrassing question or it was quite personal. Lux told us the question trying to stop him self from laughing at Tobi "I asked Tobi if he would ever go out with Freezy and he said yes". I instantly started blushing. I never knew Tobi was gay let alone gay for me. This shocked me a bit because I had never had a significant other before so I didn't really know what it was like for someone to like you. Tobi then asked Lewis a question and he said no then the coin was flipped and it landed on heads. We played a few more rounds and then JJ got bored and stopped both games. He then announced that Simon and Josh were tanning on the beach that was outside their hotel that they were staying at then he called Vikk up to the front of the crowd. Vikk came hobbling through everyone. Once he got to the front JJ told him that they were going on a one week holiday to Canada and were going tomorrow. Vikk looked a bit supprised then gave JJ a hug and left JJ to finish announcing the next game. We were told that it was truth or dare and JJ had picked his 2 targets. I had a feeling it was me and Tobi after Tobi had said that he would go out with me. I was almost certain it was us. I just can't think why he would say he would go out with me because he is usually a really private guy, even if you are supposed to tell the truth in that game he probably shouldn't have. We got back into our 2 groups and started a game of truth or dare. JJ chose Ethan to start. Ethan started by asking Harry truth or dare and he said dare so Ethan told him to go and make out with someone other than him. Harry refused to do this so JJ brought him the discussing alcoholic drink that was made up before we got here. It was brown and stank like beer. Harry looked like he was going to through up just because of the smell. He pinched his nose and downed the drink almost passing out at the after taste. The look on his face was priceless, he looked like he just watched his mum and dad have sex. Honestly I thought it was hilarious. Harry then asked JJ truth or dare and he picked dare and Harry dared him to fuck Vikk and JJ agreed to do it tonight. I looked over to Vikk to see him head in hands trying to cut out all the embarrassment. I did feel quite bad for him. JJ then asked me truth or dare and I said dare but then changed my answer to truth because JJ was bound to get me to do something bad. He rufused to take truth and took my first answer so he then dared me to make out with the next person I layed eyes on. I was instantly blind folded and then spun around and I could hear everyone else in the same circle as me running around. I was stopped and I then got to choose where I pointed. I then stopped moving my arms and the blindfold was removed. I opened my eyes to see that I was pointing at Vikk. Of corse JJ wasn't going to allow this so he made me spin again. I stopped, pointed and looked. This time it was Callux. But he said no because of Sarah who was in the circle with us. The only single people in the circle other than me were Will, Tobi and Lewis. I had a 3 in 10 chance of getting one of them. I spun again. I stopped again. I chose again. I looked again. This time it was someone single, my head was spinning so much so I couldn't see who it was and I only knew they were single because JJ was saying to me go on the make out. I was so dizzy and my head was hurting so much. I tried to get my bearings back but couldn't, I fell to the ground and the last thing I heard was my head hitting the corner of a table.

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